10 Lethal Marvel Supernatural Characters You Do Not Want to Mess Around With
Marvel Supernatural Characters:
Housing one of the largest collection of magic-based superheroes and super-villains within itself, Marvel Comics has given the concept of magic and the arcane arts a whole new meaning. Starting from mages to warlocks and witches, Marvel Comics has it all under its roof. Magic has been related to primordial energies that were spilled and left over after the bowl of creation gave us the Marvel Universe, or so they tell us. Using it, you can become a living God.
If used wisely, it can create miracles but in the wrong hands, it can lead to massacres. There have been so many mystic heavyweights all over the vast expanses of the Marvel Universe that we would lose count in the first volley itself. But we have managed to single out those that are exceptionally powerful even in their own league. Presenting – 10 Lethal Marvel Supernatural Characters you do not want to mess around with!!!
Morlun does not belong to the mainstream Earth 616 universe in Marvel Comics. In fact, he belongs to Earth 001. He is a supernatural hunter that travels the multi-verse looking for a specific kind of prey. He hunts Spider-totems, to be precise. Spider-totems are, in simpler terms, the people that possess powers similar to Spider-Man. He has incredible tracking skills – once he touches someone, he or she is imprinted and Morlun can track the person no matter how far or how long it is.
Morlun’s superhuman physical attributes have allowed him to keep up with Spider-Man in acrobatics, rip open adamantium and survive a vibranium tipped nuclear missile at point blank range. He is also effectively immortal. He can suck the life force out of any living being on Earth, increasing his own lifespan in the process.
Madelyne Pryor
Madelyne Pryor was not always a super-villainess. She started out as a normal woman who wanted a normal life with her lover, Scott Summers aka Cyclops of the X-Men. But it was later revealed that Madelyne Pryor was just a clone of Jean Grey, who was then presumed to be dead, created by Mister Sinister. Cyclops grew increasingly distant after the revelation and Pryor became more and more delusional, eventually going insane.
Due to her genetic similarity to Jean Grey, Pryor was a formidable psychic. She then ventured into the dark mystical arts. Her skills in manipulating magic were so formidable that she would later be known as the Goblin Queen. Later, she went on to find the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants and the rest is history.
Werewolf by Night
The reason this guy deserved a spot on this list is that he was one of the very first magic-based superheroes in Marvel Comics. First debuting decades ago in one obscure Marvel issue that no one cares to remember, Werewolf by Night has built a name for himself. Oh and it also happens to be Stan Lee’s first ever creation for Marvel Comics. If that does not make it magical enough for you, we do not know what will. Inspired by Lon Cheney Junior’s Wolfman saga, Werewolf by Night became an instant hit with the readers. The real name of the superhero is Jack Russell, whose family lineage is cursed and he is thus forced to carry a supernatural burden that results him in transforming into a full-fledged man-wolf under a full moon.
Amora the Enchantress
Amora the Enchantress is one of Marvel Comics’ deadliest magic users. She is not a human being and does not even hail from this planet. Amora is an Asgardian by birth and has mastered Asgardian magic, one of the oldest and most powerful disciplines ever. While the rest of the Asgardians rely on their combat skills, physical attributes and weapons to fight their enemies, Amora relies on her mastery of magic to do so.
She is Thor’s number one enemy after Loki and has colluded with the latter to defeat the God of Thunder a number of times. Amora has also used her attractive physique to her advantage. A lot of men have fallen to her charms.. The only one that has ever managed to resist her advances is Thor himself. And this is why Amora has fallen in love with him, even though she is his enemy. We know it is all very complicated.
Ghost Rider
Whether it is Robbie Reyes or Johnny Blaze or even Danny Ketch, it is not the man behind the machine that makes you powerful in this case. It is the machine itself. To become Ghost Rider, you need to be possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance aka Zarathos. A fallen angel that was corrupted by evil, being possessed by Zarathos grants one the ability to wield hellfire, superhuman physical attributes and several other grand mystical abilities. Even the Hulk thought twice before crossing paths with him once. When in his planet Breaker Hulk form, Ghost Rider gave the Hade Giant a literal run for his money in World War Hulk. Now with Frank Castle imbuing the Spirit of Vengeance with the Power Cosmic, its already vast powers have only been amplified.
Count Dracula is one of the most influential and most lethal magical forces that Marvel Comics has to offer. The epic saga that was the Tomb of Dracula introduced us to a lot of now well-known Marvel Comics superheroes like Blade and Hannibal King. Count Dracula is an immortal vampire, the very first of his kind, and is considered the God of all bloodsuckers.
Dracula is known to feast on human beings and drain their life forces to sustain himself. He is immortal and cannot be killed, only contained. He can destroy entire cities using his mind control powers and his incredible command of the power of hypnosis can make entire cities go crazy. Count Dracula is also one of the few super-villains that have fought Marvel Heavyweights like Thor and Ghost Rider head on and lived to tell the tale.
Morgan Le Fay
Morgan Le Fay can trace her roots back to the Arthurian legends when the Knights of the Round Table were the real superheroes of that time. Marvel has adapted that tale into their comic book universe, giving Morgan Le Fay a new and fresher take within the superhero genre. Morgan Le Fay is known to use Magic to manipulate superheroes and super-villains alike. She has crossed paths with the Avengers and the x-Men a lot of tomes. She is the primary enemy of Captain Britain. So if there is ever a chance of Captain Britain entering the MCU, we know who the villain might be. In fact, she could be a villain that is much larger in scope and scale. She could be an antagonist for even an Avengers movie!!
There are a lot of supernatural opponents that Doctor Strange has defeated in his lifetime. Many more are yet to come. While Dormammu might be the one who we all remember from the movies, in the comics it is Nightmare – king of the Dream Dimension. The ruler of an extra-dimensional plane of existence that literally is a gateway to your mind when you pass into Dreamland, the Dream Dimension is a plane of utter mystery and within it, Nightmare has absolute control. What is even more surprising is that Nightmare’s powers, that are limitless within the Dream Dimension, also have no boundaries in the physical world. Maybe that is reason enough for Marvel to feature this guy as the villain in the sequel to Doctor Strange.
What you saw in the Doctor Strange movie of 2016 was just a fraction of his power. Dormammu is literally a God. Period. He has access to infinite reservoirs of magical energy that he uses to reshape and restructure the fabric of space and reality as he sees fit. Doctor Strange has to call upon several deities, borrowing their strength to even match up to even a level where he could withstand Dormammu’s onslaught. Imagine – it takes the strength of several magical entities to even match Dormammu’s league!!
Can there be any other supernatural entity that is more powerful than the biblical Devil himself? While the Devil is not actually a villain in Marvel Comics, he was the one that inspired the creation of Mephisto, King of Hell and lord of the Underworld. Mephisto holds the power to make anyone’s wildest fantasies a reality. He is so overfull with power that he roams around the universe, looking for scapegoats to do his magical experiments on.
Mephisto is the reason for a lot of hardships and difficulties for a lot of superheroes and super-villains alike. Even after making so many enemies, nobody dares challenge Mephisto. You do not want to lock horns with this guy. He will rip you apart before even you could blink.