
10 Incredible Health Benefits of Sirsasana Yoga

Improve Nutrient absorption and Digestion

The practice of Sirsasana allows the effects of gravity to be reversed on the digestive organs. It helps to move stuck material, release trapped gasses, as well as improve blood flow to the important digestive organs, thereby increasing nutrient absorption and improving digestion.

Reduce Stress

Going upside-down squeezes and cleans the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing stress hormones and helps them function optimally. Thus, helps the body to adapt better to the stress in daily life.

Cures Insomnia, lethargy etc

It is found extremely beneficial in curing and reversing the effects of insomnia, lethargy, and forgetfulness.

Protects the skin from harm

The inverted position of Sirsasana helps to flush fresh nutrients, blood and oxygen to the face, thus helping in improving the quality of facial skin and getting a glowing effect on the face.

Help get rid of toxins and waste


It carries a rush of blood into the body’s labyrinth of nodes into the lymphatic system. It helps to get the body rid of toxins and waste material by stimulating the bloodstream and improving one’s overall wellbeing.

Also Read: 10 Yoga Asanas and their Health Benefits

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Jatin Vaid

A fitness enthusiast, teach marketing, loves reading, practice yoga, do swimming, cycling, play cricket and squash. Fond of travel and photography, exploring new cultures.
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