
Five Things That Made Us Proud of the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

Moving ahead from a tea stall to the local shakas (training sessions) from the land of Gujaratis, to the land of North Indians, our Honorable Prime Minister is an epitome of success.

Leaving behind the 14 years throne of the state of Gujarat, he walked in victorious in the general elections of 2014 and preceded Mr.Manmohan Singh. He is the 15th Prime Minister of India, a leader who pledged to make India a better place to live. He is the leader who has changed the perspective of politics in the young guns of India.

In his first speech at the Red Fort, he rendered a speech that moved the nation. “Ask your sons to behave, rather than asking your daughters.” A leader who is busy travelling from one nation to another, making relationships stronger and bringing in business ventures to India. A leader, who was once congratulated for the “Vibrant Gujarat,” is moving on with the “Make in India” campaign.

Five instances that make us proud that we have a Prime Minister named “Narendra Damodardas Modi”.


September 25, 2014, witnessed the introduction of the “Make in India “campaign. It is an initiative to bring the foreign investors to India for the manufacturing of their products.  It aims at turning India into a global manufacturing hub.

The 25 sectors which are to be the major focus area during this initiative are- automobiles, chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles, ports, aviation, leather, tourism and hospitality, wellness, renewable energy, mining, railways, biotechnology, electronics and design manufacturing.

With this, the government hopes to increase the GDP growth and tax revenue of the country. The campaign was designed by Wieden+Kennedy.

Image Source- theforthright.com


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Nidhi Srivastava

Reader, Travel blogger and a Budding writer. She lives with a dream of becoming a world renowned writer one day.
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