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Only A True Wonder Woman Fan Can Answer These Questions About Her!

Wonder Woman franchise was launched in 2017 as part of the DCEU. The movie captured the origins of Wonder Woman, how she evolved from being Princess Diana of Themyscira to a demi-god cum warrior she was destined to be. The movie was set in World War I and Ares was the big villain. 

It became a massive blockbuster and highest grossing DCEU movie ever, with earnings over $800 million at the box-office globally.

The studio didn’t wait and immediately greenlit the sequel with Gal Gadot reprising her role as the Wonder Woman and Chris Pine coming back as Captain Steve Trevor. 

The official title of the sequel is Wonder Woman, 1984 as the movie is set during the heights of cold war between the US and Soviet Union. The big villain this time is Cheetah played by Kristen Wig.

Right after her first appearance, she has received a huge fan-following but that doesn’t mean these fans really know her well. Here we have created a fan quiz that will prove your fandom.

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