New Features in Android 6.0, Marshmallow
Google announced the release of its new version of the mobile operating system, the Android 6.0, Marshmallow. This operating system has several new features. The features came after developers previewed the release to fix common bugs. This operating system rolls in existing Nexus Devices and players.
There are several New Features in Android 6.0, Marshmallow that make the OS marketable.
First, the OS has an app permission icon. The earlier versions lacked accept or deny icon. Users can accept or deny new apps. Persimmon is simplified.
An added feature is that Google is now on tap, improving the management of privacy.
Almost every Android phone offers fingerprint scans, based on the hardware manufacturer. The new Android 6.0, Marshmallow allows fingerprint scanning based on the operating system. It makes it easier for lock screens and accessibility.
- Improved web experience
Google has always tried to explore trends in the manner in which web content is used to give better user experiences while browsing. The Android 6.0, Marshmallow comes with custom Tabs. It allows developers to harness every Chrome capability and sill keep control of the feel and look.
The Chrome customized tabs permit the opening of apps in customized window, at the top of active apps, rather than launching the Chrome app as separate. This feature brings faster and intuitive user experience when navigating the web and apps.
- Mobile pay
Google has developed Android pay as the new mobile paying system. It is designed to make the checking process faster and easier. This simple data provide simplicity, security choices. The Android pay allows you to use the existing credit cards and purchase products from hundreds of stores.
- App links
Before the development of Android 6.0, Marshmallow, users selected any web link. The Android did not know whether to show this links in a web browser and other apps supporting the links.
Today, the Android 6.0, Marshmallow has changed this, and the Android is more aware of the apps that open content directly. For example, when you tap a Facebook link on the email, the Facebook app opens automatically.
- Power and charge
The Android 6.0, Marshmallow has a new feature called Doze. Doze helps to improve standby time. Android recognizes when the device lies idle for long using motion detectors and helps to reduce background process. This new operating system supports the USB type-C. It allows faster charging. It also allows people to charge their devices using phone power.
Other notable features
- Android 6.0, Marshmallow is designed with other features to make user experience better.
- It has the RAM Manager that gives accurate and comprehensible information about memory.
- New app drawer scrolls vertically
- Auto backups and restore apps, used with Google Drive to provide backups of app data and settings
- There is an improved cut, copy and paste function.