Captain Marvel Mysterious Ending Explained
So the first edition of the MCU festival 2019, Captain Marvel is finally here. We had to wait for 8 whole months for Marvel’s return to action and gladly, they are back with a bang! It has had a good outing with the critics and the Rotten Tomatoes score (82% Fresh) is proof of that. Moreover, it is going to open with $350 Million worldwide. That’s the entire production and marketing budget brought back in just 3 days! Anything beyond that will be pure profit for Marvel/Disney.
Those who have not seen the movie should just back off now. SPOILERS are about to follow.
Now let’s not get into all the technicalities of the Box Office and move right into the plot of the film. The film starts off with an amazing tribute to Stan Lee, but this article is about the end. So jumping right up to that, Captain Marvel powers up to take on the Kree Cavalry that was called in by Yon Rogg.
Ronan led the cavalry up to C-53 aka Earth and launches huge attack droids upon Earth. Carol completely destroys them, takes out a few of their ships and then gives them the ultimate warning.
Seeing what she is capable of, Ronan orders his fleet to fall back and they return to their home Hala leaving Yon Rogg who crashed on Earth behind. Right from the beginning, Rogg had been the mentor of Carol Danvers, and he taught her how to control her powers and her emotions. So when Carol comes back to fight him, he tries to play a different move going after her mind instead of fighting her strength for strength.
He tried to play this move as he knew he cannot beat her since she is totally superior to him. So manipulating her mind was a cool idea in that situation, but Carol had clearly evolved from all of his lies. So she blasts him off with a huge photon blast. Then instead of killing him off, she sends him back to Hala with the message that she is coming to end their reign.
So there’s clearly a set up for the sequel here, and it is entirely plausible that the next Captain Marvel movie could take place before the events of Avengers: Endgame. Carol clearly has a lot to do for her time gap between Endgame and Captain Marvel. The next part of the ending is even interesting as the Skrulls in a great turn of events are revealed to be the victims and not the villains.
The real villains were indeed the Kree who were imposing their dictatorship and order throughout other planets in the galaxy. The Skrulls were the ones who stood up to them and in turn, their conflict turned into a war. Carol sided with the victims here as Talos and his family were the last few Skrulls left. She bids farewell to Earth from there on as she makes a commitment to find these Skrulls a home.
She then gives Nick Fury the upgraded version of his Pager which can send a signal as far as two galaxies! But she warns Fury that he should only call her up if it is a big emergency. She then leaves with the Skrulls and the credits roll. We would need a sequel to explain where Carol has been all this time, and whether she had another encounter with the Kree. Also, this film doesn’t set up a secret invasion plot and that will be a thing of the future.
Now one may argue that the battle of New York, the Ultron attack upon Earth and the Black Order ships approaching Wakanda were big enough emergencies, but the only plausible explanation to that is that all these times he was confident that his team would be able to contain the threat. But with the snap having happened and people disintegrating right in front of his eye, he thought that it was the end times and hence the signal to Carol was sent.
Then come the post-credits scenes, and for that, you will have to check out a different article that explains them.