11 Super Strong Marvel Characters That Captain Marvel Will Absolutely Destroy in a Fight
With only a month left till Captain Marvel graces the screens, some fans are still unaware of the actual upper limit of Captain Marvel’s strength. She is Strong. Period. And there is a reason she is being touted as the only superhero strong enough to defeat Thanos. Captain Marvel has defeated foes far stronger than Thanos in the comic books. If her movie version has even a fraction of the powers of her comic book counterpart, then victory is ours. To put matters into perspective, we have prepared a list of invincible characters of the Marvel Comics Universe that Captain Marvel could snap like a twig. Presenting – 11 Super Strong Marvel Characters that Captain Marvel will absolutely destroy in a fight!!
11. Loki
The prince of lies and the Asgardian God of Mischief has been a long-standing thorn on the side of the Earth’s mightiest heroes! He has enormous knowledge of magic and sorcery. In a comic book issue, Loki was so powerful and well versed in the mystic arts that he ousted Doctor Strange to become the next Sorcerer Supreme.
As a descendant of the proud Frost Giant warrior race and trained in Asgardian martial arts from birth, Loki is a fighter and a schemer. But if you pit him against Captain Marvel in a one on one battle to the death, with no time to prepare, Loki would most certainly lose the fight.
10. Captain America
With the Super Soldier Serum running through his veins, Steve Rogers is Captain America aka the best that humanity has to offer. His level of strength, speed, intelligence, and reflexes are the very best that a normal human being could ever achieve. In the movies, Captain America has jumped out of planes without parachutes as well as fought Gods to a standstill. But his real gift is his strategic mind. Captain America is considered the best tactician and strategist of the Marvel Universe. Captain Marvel may not be as brainy as him, but she can bend planets. No matter how smart you are, this time, it is matter over mind.
9. Iron Man
The armored avenger’s greatest strength is his suit. The Iron Man suit is the product of his genius level intellect going on overdrive and creating an engineering miracle. But his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. In Infinity War, the nano-tech suit allowed Tony Stark to singlehandedly (almost) defeat Thanos on Titan until he was bested by the latter. But if you pit him against Captain Marvel, whose powers are genetic in nature and do not need an armored suit to be activated, she can certainly defeat Tony Stark and his Iron Man suit without breaking a sweat.
8. Spider-Man
Granted his powers are also genetic in nature and are ingrained into his cellular anatomy, but against Captain Marvel, the guy is still a novice. Throughout comic book history, Spider-Man’s powers have fluctuated greatly. Sometimes he is just an above average athlete with some rudimentary acrobatic skills while other issues show him as a guy who can punch the Hulk on the face and make him bleed.
In the MCU, Spider-Man’s power levels have been fairly consistent. With the Iron Spider armor, Spider-Man could be considered a heavyweight. Yet, Carol Danvers has one advantage over Peter Parker – the power of flight. Add to that the fact that Captain Marvel can rip alien armadas to shreds with her bare hands and Spider-Man comes nowhere near her strength.
7. Black Panther
T’Challa is a great fighter and with his vibranium coated high tech suit, could prove to be a challenge for Captain Marvel. But with gravity weighing this guy down, there is not much T’Challa could do in this fight. Black Panther, in the comic books, is a gifted strategist and one of the world’s most brilliant scientists, on par with Hank Pym and Tony Stark. But what good is a gifted mind when you face a threat that knows no weaknesses?
6. The Hulk
The true power of the Hulk is his limitless strength. With that, he has accomplished wonders. But Captain Marvel is also strong. Maybe she is not as strong as him but she also has other powers like energy manipulation and super speed at her disposal. In his World Wear Hulk form, maybe the Hulk could hold a candle to Captain Marvel but if you pit the green goliath against the binary Woman, you know where our money’s at.
Carol Danvers is also not just a superhero but an accomplished martial arts expert trained in various close quarter combat techniques by the United States Air Force. All Hulk has his brute, uncontrollable strength. Handling the Jade Giant won’t be that much of a problem for her.
5. Gamora
Gamora is infamously known as the Universe’s most dangerous woman. Her fighting prowess is unmatched, trained by the Mad Titan herself. She is one badass assassin and his known to fight and win against multiple highly skilled opponents. In the comics, Gamora has a slew of abilities but in the movies, they are basically super strength and durability in combat. Gamora is well versed in sword fighting and is more adept at close quarter combat than Carol Danvers but Captain Marvel is not just a fight. She can do a plethora of other things like fly around her enemies and fire energy blasts at them from great distances.
4. Drax
Drax the Destroyer, in the MCU, was inspired from the most recent incarnation of the character of the same name from Marvel comics. The current version of Drax in the comic books is an extremely boiled down version of the original. In his original iteration, Drax was at par with Captain Marvel and had even fought the superhero. He could fire cosmic energy beams at his enemies and fly unaided in space. His strength, speed, and other physical attributes were also very high. Drax, right now, is just a warrior who has the power to turn invisible. Captain Marvel will turn this guy to dust.
3. Scarlet Witch
In the comics, Scarlet Witch is a mutant with the power to control reality using her hex abilities. She has used it to rewrite history and create several different timelines at a whim. In the movies, Scarlet Witch aka Wanda Maximoff’s powers arise from the Mind Stone. It has given her the ability to create limited reality manipulation fields. In Avengers: Infinity War, Scarlet Witch showed her true potential for destruction when she singlehandedly took down several War Juggernauts and a Black Order member along with it. However, both the comic book and the movie version are still weak compared to Captain Marvel.
2. Doctor Strange
Undoubtedly, Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful superheroes of the Marvel Universe. He has mastered the arcane arts and is the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, a mantle that is only applicable to the most powerful Earth-bound Wizard and is tasked with protecting the Earth from supernatural threats.
But here’s the catch – in order for his magic to work, Doctor Strange needs several magical artifacts to act as mystic amplifiers like the Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto. Captain Marvel needs none of that. All she needs is to power up and the game is over. Besides, she also has an additional ability called “Seventh Sense” which is more than enough to tackle whatever magic Strange throws at her.
1. Thor
It might be a close call. Truly, it was a very big challenge for us to decide which one of these superheroes could take the cake home. We had to settle for Captain Marvel. Thor, using his new Stormbreaker axe, is by far the strongest superhero of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He can fly, open portals between dimensions and the Stormbreaker axe only amplifies his already impressive strength.
Even without the hammer, Thor is so strong that he could take on the Hulk one on one. But without his weapon, Thor is not much of a match for Captain Marvel. All she needs to do is aim for his hands. One Thor loses his weapon, the odds shift to the binary Woman’s favor.