Top 15 Horror Movies of 2018 Which Are Not For The Faint-Hearted
Today, we are going to talk about the top horror movies of 2018 as these are the kind of movies which made our year 2018 a fun one and these are the movies which you should watch without a doubt because 2018 was the year when we had a lot of horror movies in front of us which had a lot of different and never-seen topic and story-lines. But, some of these movies are not for the faint-hearted ones as some of these movies can do a lot of damage to your nights and to your body. So, without further escape let’s lock ourselves this moment to have a look at these movies down below.
15. Hellraiser:
The movie is still one of the best movies out there but not quite successful in creating the hype like other movies as the movie is all about a couple who went into an old house as they both wanted to see the brother of that man and also the former lover of the woman. As there were stories that both are now turned up into something of an ugly beast or something.
The movie then takes a deadly turn and now, ugly beast wants to kill the woman in order to come back in his old form. The movie is quite good to have some real scars. But, do deserves a place in our list because of its story as the marketing and promotion of the movie were really bad.
14. Slender Man:
Well, we all know that ‘Horror Movies’ never bomb at the box-office but this movie would’ve been even a big success at the box-office if this movie would’ve made its way into the theaters 5 years ago as the movie is perfectly built for people of all ages. But, the story of this horror movie deals with a ‘slender man’ who for a group of kids doesn’t exist and is only on the internet but suddenly one of their friends goes missing quite mysteriously.
Well, it’s the controversy around the movie because of the original Slender Man’s stabbing scene is the reason of a lot of new re-shoots and re-edits which increased the budget of the movie by $19 million. But, not getting a lot of attention the movie slowly cruised towards the 2.5x of its cost. In a budget of $19 million (Approx), the movie went on to earn a sum of $51.7 million at the box-office.
13. The Nun:
I know the movie couldn’t be able to reach those giant expectations but also the movie wasn’t that much worse and also did a great collection worldwide as the movie is now the most successful movie in the rich franchise of the Conjuring Universe. But, After the success of ‘The Conjuring’, ‘Annabelle’ and ‘Conjuring 2’ the series is ready to give you another fright with the latest film called ‘the Nun’.
In ‘Conjuring 2’, a scene featured an eerie painting of a nun that got the viewer’s talking. ‘The Nun’ will tell the backstory of the woman in that painting. Producer James Wan says that the movie will fit perfectly into the Conjuring universe. He’s even got an idea for a sequel that will make it all come full circle.
12. Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween:
The movie is about a deadly and vicious dummy of Slappy who kidnaps the mother of one of the kids who found him with a wish of starting his own family and bringing all his friends who are also ghosts back into life. Well, the predecessor of this movie went on to collect a sum of $150.2 million on the other side of which we had this movie who went on to collect only the 60% of its predecessor.
But, this movie proved out to be more profitable than the previous one as it had a 2.62x of its budget. The reason in the downfall of the budget to this extent was the relegation of Jack Black’s cameo and also the diminished CGI in the final hour of this movie is the reason why the multiplier of this one got bigger than the multiplier of Goosebumps movie. The Budget of the movie was $35 million and collected a sum of $92 million which shows that the movie wasn’t that much worse as it has been stated in the reviews.
11. Overload:
This horror war movie is the movie you should watch this before the end of the year as the movie is about several American soldiers who were dropped behind the lines of the enemy just before the D-Day and is when they witnessed some deadly Nazi experiments. The movie is not for soft-hearted people as the movie have a lot of death scenes in it. The movie is directed by Julius Avery and the director has shown the violent and dark things quite well and this is the kind of movie which will shake you a lot.
10. A Quiet Place:
This horror movie is one of favorite form this list as the movie is directed by John Krasinski and revolves around a situation as it deals with the condition of a family which struggles to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where they have very noise sensitive creatures who are very deadly and want to eat them. The movie showcases the struggle of that family as the creatures are blind but their noise picking power is very good. The movie is a kind of movie which will keep you on your toes and will shock you at every curve. A must watch for all in my opinion.
9. Suspiria:
This is one of the movies which you should definitely watch because fo a lot of reason but I’m going to discuss one scene of the movie with you which will be quite enough to tell you what the movie is all about as the movie has a lot of weird moments but this one is the one which stands out from all those incredibly indigestible scenes as in this particular scene.
As, Susie Bannion is the one who is dancing for her instructor in a room, whose role has been played by Tilda Swindon. Black magic is the thing which played a brutal role in this scene as the dance of Susie started controlling the body of another dancer in a completely different room and after which the scenes of that dancer getting hammered on the mirrors and also breaking bones started coming in front of our eyes. The scene is really traumatic and is very very brutal.
8. Terrifier:
Well, I simply can’t understand the reason why clowns were introduced in this world as the motive of their existence or usage seems to be getting in a completely different way as I’ve never seen a clown who makes me laugh or is funny as it’s always a sense of tension in my head whenever I see a clown and it seems like he’s going to run towards me and going to kill me the moment I’ll take away my eyes off him. This movie is exactly for the fans of clowns but they should be quite brave for this one as it is really scary than the Pennywise.
7. Upgrade:
This is a movie will simply change the way you look towards horror movies as this horror movie is completely different from all the movies in the list. Well, it has been clearly stated by the director of this sci-fi horror film, Leigh Whannell that the movie hasn’t been a success at the box-office but is far ahead from the mark of a box-office failure and we have to say that we can’t disagree with him because the movie had a multiplier of 4.1x.
But, even this multiplier is sort of a sadness for Blumhouse as we all know that they are the masters of low-budget successful movies as the movies which have made their way in recent years are quite brilliant as movies like Truth or Dare (27x), Insidious: The Last Key (16.7x), and many more.
6. Halloween:
The original movie is considered a classic but the sequels were not that successful. Offering continuity only to the original movie, this sequel is expected to be good and Jamie Lee Curtis will reprise her role in the movie after a long time. The story of the movie talks about Laurie Strode who survived a vicious and deadly attack 40 years ago on the night of Halloween. But, despite getting a lot of security and people around this killer, Michael Myers. He managed to escape from that and now I think you know the reason why this movie is in this list.
5. Unsane:
Unsane is one of the very best psychological thrillers of the year as the film was directed by Steven Soderbergh and also have stars like Claire Foy, Joshua Leonard, Jay Pharoah, and many others. The movie follows the life of a woman who was sent to a mental institution after being pursued by a deadly stalker. Well, the movie is a must-watch for all the lovers of the thriller as director of the movie Steven Soderbergh has shown the B-movie flavor for which he is renowned for and is the reason why this movie is one of the best of the year.
4. Annihilation:
This horror movie wrapped in science fiction was one of the best movies of 2018 as it was directed by Alex Garland and was based on the novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer. Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason, and many other gave one of the best performances of their career. The story is about a group of military scientists who went into a mysterious quarantined zone full of mutating transforming creatures and landscapes and a lot of events happens with them which make this movie the best pick before going to bed as the movie was praised by critics a lot.
3. Unfriended: Dark Web
The movie is for the people who are in love with internet and do a lot of videos chatting on the internet as that’s the place from where a girl get trapped into some vicious and deadly things. The reason why people call it a flop is a reason that people started comparing it to its predecessor because this movie ended up collecting less than 20% of its predecessor but the movie was priced only $1 million and had an 11x multiplier is the reason why the movie was a success.
Also, the movie wasn’t released in half of the cinemas at domestic level and also wasn’t the movies which Blumhouse brought all with all the marketing and advertising stuff. So, for me, I think the movie was a great success because having an 11x multiplier cannot be a bad thing. In a Budget of $1 million, the movie went on to earn a sum of $11.2 million at the box office which clearly tells us about the success of the movie.
2. Hereditary:
This supernatural horror movie has been directed by Ari Aster and the plot of the movie is about the death of the grandmother of a family and the movie has been really tremendously made and the movie will completely change your expectations with a horror movie. Well, I have to say that movie is quite incredible and we have to say that the movie will shake your nerves and is going to be the movie which has been claimed by a lot of critics as the best horror movie of 2018. Also, the movie has changed the mentality about haunted house movies completely.
1. Mandy:
This horror movie was one of the best because of its brutal and bloody approach by the director Panos Cosmatos and also the cinematography of the movie was appreciated by a lot of critics as well. But, one of the scenes of this movie made its way into the list of the weirdest movie scenes of 2018 and it’s easy to expect this because how on earth you cannot think of a weird movie which has Nicolas Cage in it.
Because the man has been part of many weird and insane movie moments in all these years. But, this is quite strong and one of the most brutal one as in this scene we saw the character of Nicolas Cage, Red Miller in a state of revenge with the cult member and he finally got his chance but in a chainsaw-duel. Yes, a chainsaw-duel, which was simply brutal, ridiculous, and full of blood.
So, these are the top 15 horror movies of 2018 which you should watch before the incoming of more horrific and incredibly scary horror movies of 2019. If you want to tell something about any of these movies, then do tell us in the comments section down below.