Avengers: Endgame – What if Hulk and Bruce Banner Got Separated Because of The Snap?
Avengers: Endgame is the only film that could have spawned so many theories and that is because of how Marvel has built things up until now. There is no other film franchise that people have cared so much about, and because of the insane over the top plotting that Marvel has done till now, people are more invested to figure out what comes next. Infinity War brought the beginning of an elaborate 2 part scheme, and we will get to see how this scheme is paid off with the mega finale, i.e. Endgame.
Thanos’ big Decimation event caused the Universe to lose half of its population in lieu of bringing Balance. But what if this act of bringing Balance caused something really strange with the Hulk and Banner as well. For a while now, we have come to admit that Bruce Banner and the Green Goliath are two different individuals living in one single space. There are even theories that suggest that Hulk’s 3 picture story arc will come to an end with Hulk and Banner separating into two individuals for good.
Considering all this, Comicbook.com has come up with a theory suggesting that the Snap could have caused the disintegration of Hulk as well. Here’s what writer Nicole Drum mentions in his theory:
“It’s the Hulk’s refusal to come out and smash that is another potential clue that he and Banner are truly individuals. Much has been made about how the Hulk seems downright scared of Thanos in Infinity War. Most everyone has assumed that’s because things went badly when he attempted to stop Thanos onboard the Asgardian ship and got soundly beaten up in the process. But what if that is only part of it? What if the Hulk realizes that he and Banner are just separate enough that Thanos’ snap could spell the end for one of them? It might be a little bit of a stretch, but realistically the Hulk has spent enough time off Earth and surrounded by those who might have had some experience with a non-Infinity Stone powered Thanos that he could have a sobering understanding of just how big a threat Thanos really is. Considering how childlike Hulk is, hiding from the bad guy might be his best attempt at staying safe.”
Drum does put up a good point here, but the fact that is being forgotten here is the big green guy wasn’t afraid of Thanos. The Russos have themselves confirmed the fact that the Hulk was simply tired of fighting for Hulk. Nonetheless, let’s see how this theory concludes, and then we’ll try and contradict it:
“If all of that is the case — Hulk and Banner are unique individuals who happen to share one space and Hulk was afraid of Thanos because he knew what was possible — then we have to consider that snapping either Hulk or Banner out of existence would fit in well with the Mad Titan’s concept of bringing “balance” to the universe. After all, if you have two things in one space and you’re trying to lighten the load, as it were, you simply get rid of one. Consider it cosmic decluttering at it’s most horrific extreme.
Now, if Banner and Hulk have been separated courtesy of the snap, it could make for an interesting story. The remaining Avengers would be at an even further handicap than before which would certainly complicate things. It also could be why we see Banner looking over those listed simply as missing in the Endgame trailer — characters such as Scott Lang, Shuri, and Peter Parker whose fates weren’t necessarily seen by the heroes. Perhaps he’s trying to figure out what’s become of them as a way to get answers about where the Hulk is, too.
And hey, if the theory that those dusted are in the Soul Stone ends up being correct that means those there also have a Hulk. That could come in handy (as well as potentially give fans a great cinematic moment of Banner meeting the Hulk if the heroes are able to rescue their fallen.)”
Now this theory does instigate a good thought here, but we are forgetting the fact that the Hulk and Bruce Banner are not two separate individuals, but they are two separate personalities living in a single body. The Hulk is only able to transform because he has Banner’s body to do so.
It is Banner that grows into the Hulk, so separating him from Banner would not be possible because those two are different personalities within a single body. It is an extreme case of Split personality disorder caused by high exposure to Gamma Rays. So this theory does fall flat on its face.
Moreover, we have seen set photos which show that the Hulk will return. He is obviously a part of all the concept arts, so he couldn’t have been wiped out of existence. Infinity War ended with Banner saying that he and Hulk have a lot to figure out. So, he will probably make a deal with his alter ego, and we will see a version of a smart sensible Professor Hulk with Banner controlling the brains and Hulk driving the Body.
Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.