Deadpool Has a Confirmed Future at Disney & There’s No Doubt About That
You have to admit that Fox’s X-Men Franchise is more or less dead now. X-Men: Dark Phoenix director keeps talking about the fact that the upcoming X-Men film will mark a new beginning leading the way to more X-Men films, but we have to admit the fact that it is not going to happen, and the creatives behind the upcoming film will just have to say stuff like that to market the film properly. With the upcoming acquisition of Disney & Fox, we know it for a fact that Disney will reboot the franchise to incorporate the X-Men into the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and the only aspect of Fox’s X-Men which will survive is Deadpool.
Here’s what X-Men: Dark Phoenix director Simon Kinberg had to say about their latest upcoming film in the franchise.
“I see it as a new chapter. I see it as taking the franchise in a different direction tonally. And that doesn’t mean that the next one will have the same tone, it just means that the next one can have a different tone. I think for many years, the X-Men, Bryan [Singer] really transformed the superhero genre in 2000 or 2001 when the first one came out. That’s almost 20 years ago. It is a long time ago. And at that time, superhero movies were not wildly popular, actually. There had been a few failures in the mid-90s, and there hadn’t been a lot of superhero movies, if any, around that time and X-Men sort of was revolutionary in its moment.
But that was 20 years ago and I think, I really felt like it time to really change the look, the feel, the tone, the vibe of these movies. And that doesn’t mean this is the one going forward, it just means that if it’s me or whoever directs the next one, you can make it different, and you have to make it different.”
But with a film that has been delayed twice to redo certain aspects of it with the reshoots, you cannot see a future for the core franchise at all. Only Deadpool will probably continue straight away into the MCU, or perhaps get his own solo/X-Force films in the current Universe he is in and rest, everything else will just be scrapped.
Fox has a New Mutants movie dangling around, which is hoping to get an August 2019 release having been delayed for more than a year, but we don’t know what is really going to happen with that film either. The only thing we can be sure of is that Ryan Reynolds is going to continue as Deadpool.
People may argue that Disney will not want to release an R-Rated version of the character under their branding, and that may spoil the franchise, but from what we saw with the new cut of Deadpool 2 called, Once Upon a Deadpool, it is safe to say that a version of Deadpool with fewer curses and graphic violence could work as a concept.
The original scenes from the film which were edited to remove blood and gore may have suffered a bit, but the new ones added to tell the story work just fine. Deadpool doesn’t have to be all R-Rated to be humorous, he can do that with limitations as well. Even though there is a big market for an R-Rated version of Deadpool, you cannot deny the potential of Deadpool if it was produced under PG-13 as more people would actually get to see it. Sony made it work with Venom, so Disney could easily do it with Deadpool.
Disney CEO Bob Iger has admitted that he wishes to continue the Deadpool franchise, but we should not bet our money on the R-Rated version of a Deadpool film as Disney is pretty protective of their brand image. The Once Upon a Deadpool version of the film was to check whether a decent crowd gets pulled in for a Deadpool movie, and the result suggests that a PG Deadpool will end up working with Marvel even if they have some creative boundaries.
All the MCU films are humorous with their PG films, and once in a while, they do end up sneaking in some references which are strictly not for the kids. So, Deadpool surely has a future under Disney and the fans who are worried, should not be as Kevin Feige will be leading the charge once the acquisition is completed.