Infinity War: This Theory Claims Thanos Time Travelled At The End of The Movie
It has been months since the release of the greatest Marvel Cinematic Universe movie ever and we are still reeling from the aftermath of the slaughter-fest of an ending that was Infinity War. Thanos did not just defeat the Avengers. He also managed to diminish their ranks to a third of what they actually were before the beginning of the events of the movie.
How will the heroes, who are so less in numbers now, ever manage to take on the Mad Titan now? And even if they do, how are they supposed to find him? The ending of Infinity War showed Thanos retreating to a lush Greenland and showing signs of pure satisfaction since he had achieved his objective.
But where exactly is he? Are we even asking the right question? Is it supposed to be ‘where’ or ‘when’? Presenting – New Infinity War Theory that claims Thanos time travelled at the end of the movie!!
Where did Thanos go at the end of the movie? This new theory might give you an answer. But if I were you, I would brace myself as you are not going to like what you are about to hear. So, here goes nothing….
According to this theory, Thanos did not just travel across space but also across time. With the six Infinity Stones at his disposal, Thanos snapped his fingers to wipe out half of all life in the universe. When he fought with Strange, the latter asked the former what happens next.
Thanos replied that he will “watch the sunrise on a grateful universe”. The message might sound cryptic enough but we might have a solution. And it is tied to Thanos using this ambiguous quote in the movie.
The theory takes leaves not only from the movie dialogues but also from Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet miniseries. The miniseries saw Thanos retreating back to live the life of a simple farmer. Believe it or not, Thanos likes farming!!! It was Adam Warlock in the comic books that convinced Thanos to give up his simple lifestyle and come back to the frontlines as he was needed then.
In the movies, Thanos won the battle, unlike the comic book arc Infinity Gauntlet. And he might be headed straight towards a green pasture of land to live up his remaining life as a farmer just like he did in the comic books.
Thanos has reportedly used the Time Stone to travel through the Time Stream. But has he travelled to the future or the past? Where has the Time Stone led him to?? We have the answer.
Thanos is on TITAN!!!! Avengers Infinity War only showed us a desolate and barren version of Thanos’ home planet. But remember Thanos belongs to the race of Eternals, a species of hyper-intelligent beings that once were pioneers of the cosmos during the peak of their time. Titan wasn’t as deserted and barren then.
Thanos is rumored to have travelled back to a pre-extinction era lush green farmland of Titan. Thanos is in the past now and he is not even on the same planet!!!
How do we know this? Famous Concept Artist Pete Thompson, who has previously done several concept art scriptures for Infinity War, recently posted his latest brainchild on social media. It showed a landscape of the final scene that showed Thanos.
The art was titled ‘Titan Thanos farm (Pre-production). Post Production by Chris Kessler’. This means one thing and one thing only. And I think we have made it pretty clear as to what it is.
But there are still flaws to this theory. Thanos himself claimed his planet was now defunct of Eternals. But the natural structures we saw at the end were not natural at all. It wouldn’t have formed if there wasn’t someone who made it look like that.
Moreover, Thanos used Titan’s moon to create large-scale meteor showers on Titan. De orbital of the moon would have led to massive Earthquakes and floods on Titan. So why did Thanos go to Titan if the planet was already doomed to die a painful death by the Mad Titan himself?