The Special Case of “The Special One”
5 losses in 10 games is simply shocking stuff from the reigning champions and their form in Europe isn’t flawless either. I cannot think of a champion side starting the following campaign this abysmally. Here’s the special case of “The Special One”
I get the feeling that a lot of football fans have been desperately waiting for Jose to fail for a long time so that they get to criticize him and maybe even call him a bad manager. I am not going to jump on that bandwagon. He has been the best manager in world football for a while in my opinion and that opinion hasn’t radically changed.
But let’s be honest, his conduct this season has been simply appalling. He’s picking fights he doesn’t need do, getting into controversies that his team can do without and putting faith in players that are letting him down everytime they put the blue shirt on.
The entire Eva incident was handled poorly. Things could’ve and should’ve been handled with a lot less fuss and behind close doors. To say that he overreacted would be a massive understatement. What was the point of it all?
He has also taken his rivalry with Wenger a bit too personally. The Charity Shield defeat hurt him more than it should’ve. It’s a charity shield! It’s still pre season! MOVE ON! He comes on and whines about “The team that left their principles in the dressing room won”.
Ridiculous. Hypocritical even, considering he deploys the very similar tactics on many big occasions. Even during his infamous 7min rant after the Southampton game he couldn’t resist a jibe at Wenger. After their midweek CL draw he called the ref “naive and weak” again, that definitely has got something to do with Arsene.
After every bad result he comes out whining about referees, conspiracy against Chelsea and what not. I hope he realises soon that he’s being an embarrassment to Chelsea football club. It all just looks petty. Just come out and admit you weren’t good enough.
It’s okay! Every top team/manager goes through lean periods. You need to get your head down and keep working. Don’t create too much noise. Come out in the press, make some nauseating statement about how you tried but failed and you’re working hard to set things right. It’s okay. Be boring. There is far too much spotlight on Chelsea and Jose at the moment and Jose is doing nothing to ease that!
He doesn’t look like a man who is in control of what’s happening. I think it won’t be long before the players start losing faith in him, if they haven’t yet already. Because if I were a professional, I’d want my manager to be a lot more composed when we have a terrible run instead of going and blasting the refs, other managers and The FA after every game.
If I am right and the player do lose faith in him, then I don’t see him turning things around. He needs his players right now more than ever. He should stop criticising his players and their work rate in public, because I’m sure Chelsea could do without more friction within their camp.
All of this is new to Jose and he’s not dealing with any of it correctly. Maybe it’s because he hates losing. He’s too much of a winner or too passionate to stay composed after a series of losses. It seems like it’s in his nature to set the house on fire and blame others when things go wrong. Whatever the reason, he needs to sort himself out because currently he is only making matters worse.
Do you think Jose can turn it around?