3 More Loki Variants Get Nicknames By Marvel Studios
Marvel’s Phase 4 is finally in the right tone, courtesy of the Disney+ series, Loki. The finale was able to set up one too many MCU Projects, such Spider-Man 3, Ant-Man 3, and Doctor Strange 2. This happened because Sylvie killed He Who Remains, the one controlling the Sacred Timeline, hence resulting in branched realities. But during all this, we got to enjoy one too many variants of Loki. Right off the bat, we get Sylvie, who’s straight-up ruthless and driven by anger. Then, in episode 2, we see Mobius introduce Loki to his variants via holograms. But in episode 5, we saw at least 9 more variants. And now, 3 more Loki Variants get nicknames, courtesy of Marvel Studios
3 More Loki Variants Get Nicknames
In episode 5, Loki introduced one too many variants of the God of Mischief. Some of them were Classic Loki (Richard E. Grant), Kid Loki (Jack Veal), Boastful Loki (DeObia Oparei), President Loki (Hiddleston again), and Alligator Loki. The first three were quite memorable, especially Classic Loki. But President Loki did not fail to entertain us thoroughly. However, along with him came a fleet of Loki variants. And now, we know the names of at least three of them!
Right now, Assembled: The Making of Loki is streaming on Disney+. In the same, costume designer Christine Wada revealed that all of the variants had special behind-the-scenes titles. She said that 3 of the unidentified variants standing alongside President Loki had unofficial nicknames. Wada talks about Glamshades Wolfie Loki, who was first introduced by Mobius via a hologram. Variant L8941 sported a combination of facial hair and peppy sunglasses, staying true to her name. He can be spotted second from right.
Next up is Pokey Loki aka In-Prison Loki. The variant stands out because of his red hair and rainbow-colored visor. However, his nickname is derived from his outfit as he dons a prison jumpsuit underneath a cape and a ball-and-chain weapon. Easily one of the most intriguing variants of Loki. Last but not least comes Bicycle Loki. The human eye can spot him easily because of the longhorns, which resemble the handlebars of a bicycle. He wears a pilot’s jumpsuit and has a two-faced mace. Also, it’s entirely possible that the names of the remaining six variants will be revealed in time.
Loki and Assembled: The Making of Loki are streaming on Disney+.
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