Marvel Characters Scarlet Witch Has Romanced:
Scarlet Witch is a name that we will keep hearing from now on whenever it comes to Marvel. Starting off easy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we are now currently exploring the said character in the Disney+ series, WandaVision, alongside Vision, her love interest.
Through the comics, movies, and animated series, Scarlet Witch has had a few big romances. Some of Wanda’s other romances have been with fellow Avengers. A few are well known, while others less so. Some of them are with villains and some are just very strange. Check it out:
Cyclops and Scarlet Witch have been rivals from the beginning of X-Men when she appeared as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in Uncanny X-Men #4 in 1964. But on Earth-94041, the two were lovers. In this reality, Cyclops didn’t fall in love with Jean Grey and didn’t become the leader of the X-Men.
Nightcrawler (Wolverine & the X-Men)
Scarlet Witch also appeared in the 2008 series Wolverine and the X-Men. She lives in Genosha with her father Magneto and sister Polaris and when the X-Men pay a visit, she falls in love with Nightcrawler. She also appeared in the 2008 series Wolverine and the X-Men. She lives in Genosha with her father Magneto and sister Polaris and when the X-Men pay a visit, she falls in love with Nightcrawler.
Wanda left the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and joined the Avengers. She had a brief flirtation with Hawkeye. The two would connect many years later. In the aftermath of House Of M, Wanda is recuperating in a secluded village. Hawkeye finds her and they share an intimate moment, even though she had killed him in Avengers: Disassembled.
Iron Man
Her first real action outside the comics occurred in the 1994 Iron Man animated series. In that show, Scarlet Witch was in love with Tony Stark and she competed for his affections with the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman. Scarlet Witch disappeared from the series when it was heavily retooled in season two, but came back for the finale.
Doctor Doom
Their unlikely relationship is revealed in the miniseries Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, written by Allan Heinberg and drawn by Jim Cheung. Set after House Of M, one of Wanda’s children, Billy (Wiccan) goes in search of her and discovers her in Latveria as the seeming lover of Doctor Doom. He helps her remember the past and break the spell that Doom has over her.
Nightcrawler (Earth-2182)
The animated series wasn’t the only time that Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch were an ‘item’. In Earth-2182, they got together and had a daughter, Nocturne. She first appeared in X-Men: Millennial Visions #1 in a kind of What If? image, before making her in-comics debut in issue #4 of Blink. Nocturne would eventually become a part of the reality-hopping super team the Exiles.
A romance many fans surely want to forget is the strange affair between Scarlet Witch and her twin brother, Quicksilver, in the Ultimate Comics universe. Ultimate was notorious for embracing a darker sensibility than the Marvel line, eventually culminating in the many disturbing moments of the Ultimatum storyline. Quicksilver appeared to die in that event, but Scarlet Witch died earlier, assassinated by a machine that had fallen in love with her.
Captain America
When Scarlet Witch first joined the Avengers, she had a bit of a crush on Captain America. That didn’t last, as she met and fell deeply in love with The Vision. Many years later, they would revisit their attraction. They rekindled their romance in 2004, in Captain America and the Falcon #6, by writer Christopher Priest and artist Joe Bennett. It occurred right as Wanda descended into the darkness of Avengers: Disassembled.
Wonder Man
Wanda’s most significant romance in the comics outside of The Vision is likely Wonder Man. Simon Williams and The Vision share a strange but powerful connection. The original Vision’s brain patterns were designed after Williams, and he later was instrumental in the resurrection of Vision after he had been disassembled. The connection between the two men shared complicated things for Wanda. Simon was in love with her, and she saw many of the same things in him that she did Vision.
This is the relationship that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is currently exploring fully. Wanda’s most significant romance in the comics outside of The Vision is likely Wonder Man. Simon Williams and The Vision share a strange but powerful connection. The original Vision’s brain patterns were designed after Williams, and he later was instrumental in the resurrection of Vision after he had been disassembled. The connection between the two men shared complicated things for Wanda. Simon was in love with her, and she saw many of the same things in him that she did Vision.
WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+. The said series is through with 5 episodes out of 9, and every new episode features every Friday.