A Transformers & Power Rangers Cinematic Universe is Under Development
A Transformers & Power Rangers Universe is Under Development:
Last year we heard that Paramount is looking for a Transformers reboot. There was initially a Transformers 6 in development which was supposed to continue the story set up by Michael Bay’s Transformers: The Last Knight. But because of the poor reception of the fifth film, Paramount decided that it’d be a great time to reboot the franchise. It became official especially after the great critical acclaim of Travis Knight’s Bumblebee, which completely changed the look of Transformers. Paramount wanted more of that and less of Michael BOOMs! But now, there might actually be plans for a Power Rangers/Transformers Cinematic Universe.
These days, Cinematic Universes are the real deal in Hollywood. Marvel Cinematic Universe showed everyone how a great connective story with multiple properties could really be beneficial in the longer run. But it is only Marvel who has received both critical and commercial success with this formula. WB has been running 3 different shared Universes – DCEU, the Monsterverse and the Conjuring Universe. These films have made money (barring 2-3), but the critics haven’t been the biggest supporters of all 3 Universes.
Looking at this, Universal has converted Fast Franchise into a shared Universe, and they tried to start a Dark Universe with The Mummy reboot (but failed miserably). Now Paramount & Hasbro are reportedly trying to kick start a shared Universe with Power Rangers and Transformers in it. The Power Rangers had a failed reboot in 2017, and Hasbro is looking to make something big if they want the Power Rangers to perform well on the big screen.
These morphing rangers are known to use Megazords, and Transformers could be those Megazords. Moreover, the Transformers franchise has never really had human characters with abilities, so that will be something new for them. Bumblebee will act as a relaunch of the franchise, and future sequels could lay down the seeds for Power Rangers to show up as well. This scoop comes from Mikey Sutton, who recently claimed that a possible Wolverine vs. Hulk film could be coming in the MCU and he has also been right about Spider-Man joining the MCU in 2015. So, this idea that he has pitched about Transformers and Power Rangers coming together does seem about right.
And, this shared Universe could actually have G.I. Joe and M.A.S.K ultimately join in. Then there’s the news about classic Hasbro properties like ROM and the Micronauts. Both G. I. Joe and M.A.S.K are getting films as F. Gary Gray is helming M.A.S.K. while Henry Golding is set to star as Snake Eyes in a Joe spinoff.
It’d be interesting to see when we get a sequel to Bumblebee. This sequel would actually involve all other Transformers as well since the Autobots safely made it to planet Earth towards the end. We’d like to see John Cena return and take a bigger role as well. If Hasbro does want to make a Power Rangers connection, then at least one or more characters of Power Rangers should also be in this Transformers sequel. They may not be Power Rangers yet, but they could at least be established this way so that the eventual Power Rangers movie won’t have to spend half the film introducing these characters.
Another cool addition to these properties would be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They are also supposed to get a reboot after TMNT: Out of the Shadows drastically underperformed at the Box Office. But incorporating the TMNT with the Transformers and Hasbro properties would be tough since the TMNT are owned by Nickelodeon. So, three companies will have to work together if they have to make this happen. Let’s see who joins the shared Universe.