Top 10 Highest Grossing Superheroes of All Time
Highest Grossing Superheroes:
There have been countless discussions about which superhero is the strongest, which superhero has the best abilities and all the other aspects surrounding their existence. But have you ever wondered which superhero rules at the Box Office?
We live in a world where superheroes rule the Box Office, but do you know which superhero stands at the top? Well, you are in luck as we bring the answers to your questions.
Here are the Top 10 Superheroes who have earned the most at the box office through their standalone live-action movies:
#10: Black Panther
No. of Movies: 1
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $700 million
International Box Office: $648 million
Worldwide Box Office: $1.348 Billion
Average Box Office: –
Ever since Black Panther made his on-screen debut in Civil War, he became an instant fan favourite. This movie had a lot of expectations attached to it and it delivered. The action was amazing, and we were finally introduced to the land of Wakanda through this movie.
#9: The Hulk
No. of Movies: 3
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $582 million
International Box Office: $776 million
Worldwide Box Office: $1.358 Billion
Average Box Office: $453 million
The Hulk is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe and he is a fan favourite. We have mentioned Thor Ragnarök as a Hulk movie as he was a pivotal part of that movie.
#8: Wolverine
No. of Movies: 3
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $539 million
International Box Office: $868 million
Worldwide Box Office: $1.407 Billion
Average Box Office: $469 million
Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of The Wolverine is possibly one of the best Superhero portrayals of all time. He totally owned the character. Logan was the most profitable Wolverine movie and rightfully so.
#7: Deadpool
No. of Movies: 2
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $688 million
International Box Office: $901 million
Worldwide Box Office: $1.589 Billion
Average Box Office: $794 million
Ryan Reynolds was born to play the character of Deadpool, In fact, he is Deadpool in real life (Without the superpowers of course). It took a long time to make Deadpool and the fans are glad that it delivered exactly what they wanted.
#6: Thor
No. of Movies: 3
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $702 million
International Box Office: $1.239 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $1.941 Billion
Average Box Office: $647 million
The first two Thor movies were mediocre at best but thanks to Taika Waititi, the character was reinvented in Thor Ragnarök. The fourth movie was just announced by Marvel and we are sure that it will break all the records.
#5: Captain America
No. of Movies: 3
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $844 million
International Box Office: 1.381 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $2.225 Billion
Average Box Office: $742 million
Besides the first movie, Captain America possibly has the best trilogy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Winter Soldier is a masterpiece and how can we forget Civil War?
#4: Superman
No. of Movies: 7
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $1.135 Billion
International Box Office: $1.254 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $2.389 Billion
Average Box Office: $341 million
The Biggest Superhero in the world, Superman is 4th on the list. He would have been much higher on the list if Warner Bros had not messed up the whole DC Universe.
#3: Iron Man
No. of Movies: 3
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $1.040 Billion
International Box Office: $1.382 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $2.422 Billion
Average Box Office: $807 million
The Hero that Kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man has been the biggest and most loved Superhero in the Marvel Universe, thanks to Robert Downey Jr. who played the character exceptionally.
#2: Batman
No. of Movies: 8
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $2.229 Billion
International Box Office: $2.343 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $4.572 Billion
Average Box Office: $572 million
Thanks to Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan, Batman has managed to earn Billions at the box office. DC has always relied on the Dark Knight to earn big bucks at the box office and he has never disappointed.
#1: Spider-Man
No. of Movies: 7
U.S. Domestic Box Office: $2.273 Billion
International Box Office: $3.661 Billion
Worldwide Box Office: $5.934 Billion
Average Box Office: $848 million
Our Friendly Neighbourhood hero Spider-man is the ultimate champion when it comes to Bankability. Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and now Tom Holland, all these actors have played the character beautifully and made Spider-man the Highest Earning Superhero in the world.