
Avengers: Endgame Trailer May Have Revealed Team Members Going to Space in Benatar

The latest Avengers: Endgame Trailer came out last Thursday, and it actually gave us quite a lot of things hidden in the details of every single scene. We got to know that Tony Stark not only survives space but he also successfully creates the Quantum Realm White suits for the team. But another detail that we got to know from the trailer was that the Avengers will take the fight to Thanos first, and lose.

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

There were specific hints in the trailer that the heroes will try and do “Whatever it takes” to fight for the ones who lost their lives. There is a clear time jump apparent through Black Widow’s hair and this time lapse could happen after the Avengers lose to Thanos once. Before we got the trailer, some new footage of the film was shown at Disney Shareholders meet, and the description of the footage was leaked online.

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

Here’s what it was:

“The footage starts out with the Avengers sitting in the room at the Avengers facility as was seen first trailer and Captain Marvel is also present along with the others (obviously). Nebula then comes out of the shadows and mentions that she thinks Thanos would go to “The Garden” after he completed his plan as this is what he used to tell her when he perfected her in the past. Rocket also says that he is tracking a similar energy signature on a nearing planet that he did when Thanos made the Snap on Earth.

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

Captain Marvel then takes a stand and tells the group that they need to go there, kill Thanos and use the stones to undo the Decimation. Bruce then asks her “what makes you think we’re going to win this time?” She replies “This time you’ll have me.” Rhodey then asks her “Where have you been all this time?” CM – “The other planets do not have the Avengers to save them.” We see Thor then stand up and call for his Stormbreaker. The axe whisks past Carol doesn’t even flinch. Thor says, “I like this one!”

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

The footage then showed Rocket, Thor, Nebula, Captain America, War Machine, and Black Widow in space while Carol is sitting in the front seat along with him. Rocket says something along the lines of, “Who has never been in space before? Raise your hand,” and that leads Steve, Nat and Rhodey to do that. He warns those 3 – “Do not puke on my ship.””

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

Now we know that this description is legit because the Thor and Captain Marvel moment was a part of the latest trailer and it was exactly how this description said it would be. So we can be sure that the Avengers are going to take the fight to Thanos at The Garden. The glimpses of the battle shown in the trailer may be of this particular battle as well. As mentioned by the description, Thor, Captain Marvel, Rocket, Captain America, Black Widow & War Machine were on the ship. But the trailer gave us the evidence that Hawkeye was present on the Benatar as well. Have a look:

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

Now this image really confuses us upon the timeline of the various scenes in the trailer, but one thing’s for sure is that the Avengers will take the fight to Thanos. Tony Stark was neither present in the description and nor in the trailer (on the Benatar with the team) and the same goes for Ant-Man and Banner. So we could assume that at this point of time, Tony and Ant-Man might have traveled back to the events of The Avengers, while the rest of the team went to The Garden to take on Thanos. All this is just a prediction.

Avengers: Endgame Trailer Benatar

We’ll see how much truth it holds when MCU‘s Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26. We can admit that we have caught on to many things from the film, but luckily for us, all of that is from the first half of the film.

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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