New Spider-Man Far From Home Theory Suggests Mordo Behind Mysterio’s Actions
Spider-Man: Far From Home –
For a long time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we shuddered at the thought of the Mad-Titan coming for our heads. So much so that we were almost scared entering the gates of the theatre to watch Avengers: Infinity War. The movie and the event it encompassed had been hyped so much in our heads that nothing we saw could ever match up to our imagination and yet Disney delivered exceptionally in Avengers: Infinity War.
We got to witness the Mad-Titan systematically disassembling the allied forces of good in a matter of minutes. We saw the Avengers fall and the Guardians defeated as Thanos collected all the infinity stones and decimated half of all life in creation by the simple act of a snap.
This snap is something that is seemingly argued to be corrected in Avengers: Endgame (the fourth Avengers movie). Fans have been pretty certain about the fact that Avengers: Endgame will bring our universe back to seemingly the place as it was before Infinity War. But I have some questions.
If the events of Infinity War actually happened, how are we even receiving a Spider-Man movie? And if Far From Home is a prequel to Infinity War then are there even any real stakes in this particular installment of Spider-Man? Well, I have a theory here that will make you realize just how important Far From Home actually is. Let’s get into it, shall we?
At the very start, let’s discuss the villain who is supposed to be fighting Spider-Man in this iteration. The studio executives have decided that Mysterio is the villain who will rival Spider-Man in this latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but eagle-eyed comic fans will agree that this particular version of Mysterio is definitely different than the one we are so accustomed to seeing.
This Mysterio has a rather ominous feel to him (I’m sorry I couldn’t resist myself). But it’s true, there’s something off about him. Something that we could not pinpoint or particularly place our finger on…. Until now.
Reddit user u/Mandalorianfist posted the following theory, give it a read!
[Spiderman: Far from Home] Mysterio uses more than illusions from FanTheories
The user suggests that the strangeness of Mysterio is not limited to his demeanor or his egoistic personality but rather goes much deeper. The user proposes (and it seems the fandom agrees by the lack of rebuttal) that this particular iteration of Mysterio is being manipulated by someone who’s far superior to the illusionist in both skill and technology. But the problem is that there are hardly any beings of such power in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who can put on such a show and take on Spider-Man at the same time while being tracked by Nick Fury of all the people.
Moreover, the amount of raw magical power needed to entice someone like Mysterio is completely absurd and who would even choose to use such tactics of illusion based in magic to expand their influence. I mean you would need an extensive amount of research and hard work just to gain that power, something that Dr. Strange has already taught us, “Hard work and practice, years of it”.
Unless… the Mastermind in Far From Home is someone who already has all of these skills including a distinct affinity for magic and abundant knowledge of the occult to fuel something like this particular plan of Mysterio. Yes, my fellow fans the answer is quite clear when you think about it. There is only one sorcerer out there roaming on our planet who can fuel such madness through Mysterio. Don’t know who I am talking about?
It’s Mordo, of course. The former teacher of Dr. Strange and a helper of the Ancient One in KahmerTaj who went over to the dark side after the events of the Dr. Strange movie. He was seen swearing revenge on Strange in the after credits scene. The master wanted to purge our world of sorcerers and wanted to satiate himself by restoring the natural balance, as he put it. But what happened to Mordo after that particular scene, we have no idea.
Perhaps he is the one who will make an appearance in Far From Home as the ultimate nemesis to Spider-Man, or maybe he will just be a silent support to the actions of Mysterio. Guiding the human to nefarious power so as to corrupt him beyond measure. Both the possibilities seem equally feasible and I for one would love to see this play out onscreen.