Infinity War – Thanos Used The Soul Stone to Prevent Killing Star-Lord, Drax, And Nebula
A movie has to be either way to massive or controversial for people to continue talking about it for years beyond. The Dark Knight was one of the best, if not the best comic book movie of all time and that is why even 11 years later, people still talk about it. Batman V Superman divided the fans and critics and actually lit fire to the whole Marvel vs DC argument. That is why people still talk about the good or bad of that film. But then comes Infinity War, which literally is an era-defining film. We’ve talked more about the film in the last 9 months than we have talked about any other film over the years.
Neither Avatar nor Star Wars: The Force Awakens has had people so hyped. There was so much to decipher from Infinity War that people just don’t stop. 9 months past the movie and we still end up finding new details from the movie. It has been interpreted in the past that Thanos only used the Soul Stone once, apart from using it in the snap. The movie creatives revealed that it was used to eliminate the soulless Doctor Strange out of the multiple clones that we saw trying to strangle Thanos.
We know an Infinity Stone is being used when we see it glow. Well, if you though that this was the only time we saw the Soul Stone glow on Thanos’ Gauntlet, then apparently you were wrong. Reddit User bondoh has brought another scene forward showing the usage of the Soul Stone. While we do get to see the stone glow, we don’t know what it was being used for at this moment. So, the Redditor also has a theory for why the Stone was being used.
Here’s what “Bondoh” has to say:
“When I first saw the movie, I thought it was weird that Star-Lord, Drax, and Nebula were able to take such a direct blast from the power stone without dying, especially since the first Guardians movie made it clear that this gem can destroy entire planets.
Now in fairness Thanos does show he can control the degree of the power and uses it to brush away 3 people on earth without any sign of using the soul stone.
However on Titan, right after he snapped out of the hypnosis, he was angrier than at any other point of the movie, and therefore seemed to lose control more than at any other time. Throwing the moon being the pinnacle of that rampage.
But many have pointed out how gentle he was in the second half of the movie, how he seemed to go out of his way to not kill people on Titan or Earth because he wanted the snap to decide.
But I think having come close to losing the gauntlet he lost control and pushed out a blast from the power gem more than what he meant to.
Which is why….directly after he drops the two guardians and nebula with the blast from the power stone, it cuts to the shot where Iron Man attacks with a blade. At the very beginning of that shot, in a blink and you’ll miss it moment, you can see that the soul stone is glowing
And not just a little bit but clearly activated. There’s no other reason for it to be activated at that moment unless it was to keep those 3 alive since they fell so limp it looked like he basically killed them.”
The Redditor does seem to be partially right here. There is a blink-and-a-miss moment as you can see above, where the Soul Stone does ignite, but this little glimpse that the Reddit user talks about comes before Thanos strikes Nebula, Drax, and Star-Lord. Try and watch the video above frame by frame in slow-mo right after 2:01 minutes, and you’ll see what I’m talking about. There’s a split second cut scene after Thanos throws Mantis and Spider-Man away and that is where the Soul Stone ignites. Right at this moment we see Iron Man attack Thanos.
So there is a little mystery behind this scene which is clearly edited since Drax was supposed to be holding Thanos’ foot, but he’s nowhere to be found until a few seconds later. This little missing scene is a mystery that will not be solved even in Avengers: Endgame. Now we have to live with it. But we can certainly hope to see more of the Soul Stone.
Avengers: Endgame opens on April 26.