Zack Snyder Reveals His Deleted Cameo From Justice League
There are a lot of things which have been deleted from the movie Zack Snyder’s Justice League by Warner Bros. which the fans took with a pinch of salt but it has been revealed that something beautiful was deleted from the movie as well.
We still don’t know the reason why Warner Bros. got scared by the kind of ideas Zack Snyder was coming with as the direction in which he was going seemed quite incredible as we have seen in the ‘Snyder Cut’ and looking up to those things we can’t understand the point in deleting them.
But, it seems like the tension between Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. was really huge and critical as it has been revealed by Zack Snyder that the movie has had a little cameo of him but was deleted like many other things.
Well, I have to say that my hatred for Warner Bros and Joss Wheadon is really shooting up because this is simply a disrespect for the man who has given them so much over the years but deleting his cameo seems to be really stupid from WB.
It has been revealed by none other Zack Snyder as he keeps on continuing delivering everything about his famous ‘Snyder Cut’ on Vero and the whole fan base seems to be really freaking out as they really love Snyder and having him in the movie seems to be really beautiful. The image of his post on Vero is down below and you can have a look at it:
As we can see in the picture that Snyder is getting out from a coffee shop and it is exactly the same coffee shop in which Lois Lane goes in. The scene was of the time when a storm hits in the movie and in order to keep herself warm, she goes in for a coffee and then makes her way to the memorial of Superman where he uses that coffee as a bribery in order to enter into the site.
The main motive of the scene was to show that the loss of Superman has left Lois Lane all alone and she is absolutely crushed and sad in her life. But, as we all know that because of Joss Wheadon and Warner Bros. We couldn’t see this scene and I’m literally disappointed.
Well, by this we can see that there are a lot of reasons why fans are screaming their hearts out in order to push or provoke Warner Bros. for breaking some banks for the making of ‘Snyder Cut’ because there are a lot of things which can make a whole movie of itself.
Also recently, it has been revealed by the actor of upcoming movie ‘Aquaman’, Jason Momoa that the ending of his character in the movie Justice League was very different in the Snyder Cut as he talked about it openly while promoting his movie and stated,
“In Zack [Snyder]’s cut, we had it where I was with Vulko and Mera and I say that I have to go home. And they say there’s this force coming that I need to help. I’m like, “I’m going home to see my dad.” I get into the back of a pickup truck and found a bottle of something and off he goes, the wanderer. So that was kind of the end of Justice League – where I was going. Cut to me coming home, and run into a submarine.”
I’m glad that this decision didn’t affect the movie Aquaman because I’m glad that Warner Bros. didn’t push James Wan as they did to Snyder because we have the adverse effects of that pressure already.
What has done has been done and I really hope that we will not see things like this in future from such a big and legendary name ‘Warner Bros.’ because it’s disappointing and heartbreaking. I really hope we would’ve had Snyder in the movie Justice League because he deserves that.
What do you think about this revelation of deleting Zack Snyder’s cameo from the movie Justice League? Tell us in the comments section below.