
Spider-Man Tom Holland Wishes Mickey Mouse on His 90th Birthday

This year marks the 90th year of Mickey Mouse’s debut and it seems like the hype and celebrations have crossed the lines of happiness for Marvel fans as in a special tribute video, we saw, Tom Holland featuring in the video which simply came as a shock to many people and they’re really excited and freaked out to see their beloved Spider-Man in the tribute video. 

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

We all know that the connection between Marvel and Disney is very great and also there isn’t any person on the planet who doesn’t know anything about the character ‘Micky Mouse’ as we all know that Mickey Mouse has been part of everyone’s childhood and it’s really fascinating and emotional to realize that he has been here entertaining us for all these long years.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

Thus, he surely deserves a lot of plaudits and claps for making us smile. So, the heart of the matter is that it was none other than ABC, who dedicated a show in order to pay tribute to the character of Mickey Mouse as he made his first appearance in the year November 18, 1928.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

The episode went in to go for a time of two-hour show and in which we saw many great musicians, actors, or performers who have worked with Disney at some point of their lives and suddenly in between all of that it was Tom Holland who appeared on the screen and all the fans just freaked out of excitement like no one expected to see their beloved Spider-Man in that video.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

But, it was a really great move by the makers as it thrilled the fans and made them very happy. Also, seeing Tom Holland wishing Mickey Mouse was really sweet.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

The moment Tom Holland came in the video montage that was for the occasion of Mickey Mouse’s birthday, the fans started sharing the images of Tom Holland and also the video clip of him wishing went viral on the internet and by these gigantic waves of the popularity of Tom Holland after his little appearance in the video tells us about the position he has in the hearts of fans.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

Also, we all are really happy to see that fans and people are really in love with Tom Holland’s portrayal of Spider-Man. The clip of Tom Holland wishing Mickey Mouse a Happy Birthday is down below and this is arguably the sweetest thing you’ll see today on the internet.

There were a lot of reactions on the internet and we’ve collected some of the best tweets on the internet regarding this little cameo of Tom Holland in the video and those tweets are right below.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

So, these are some of the best reactions we got on the internet in the topic of Tom Holland appearing in the montage of Mickey Mouse tribute. The hype this thing is getting because of the reason that the popularity of Tom Holland has been increasing with the passing of every single day.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

We all know that one of the biggest reason for all this excitement and madness on the internet right now is because of the fact that fans are now very much connected with Tom Holland and they like him in the role of Spider-Man for sure.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

And what we saw it in the movie Avengers: Infinity War was heartbreaking and people were crying their hearts out when it was Tom Holland who was requesting and asking for help when he was about to turn into dust after that famous snap from Thanos.

Spider-Man Tom Holland Mickey Mouse

So, he has maintained a really good fan-base for himself and with his movie coming on the calendar and having the name ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ is the next adventure on which he is going and also this signals towards his return in the MCU as we all know that a big fight is on the line waiting for all the superheroes of the planet against Thanos.

What do you think about the tribute of Tom Holland in the clip for the Mickey Mouse? Tell us in the comments section below.

Rishabh Naudiyal

"Writing is one of my strengths and all I can say is that I observe things and try my best in order to convert them into words without the pressure of satisfying people's demands."
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