Captain Marvel Full Red & Blue Helmet Revealed
Captain Marvel is coming in hot and by March we all are going to know who the strongest Superhero is, or as Rowdy Ronda Rousey says these days, “the baddest woman [bitch] on the planet!”
Captain Marvel is going to be pretty important for Marvel as she will be holding a whole franchise and be leading the next team of Avengers throughout Phase 4 & 5. But before all that, we will see her kick Thanos’ ass along with the Avengers!
The first Captain Marvel movie is going to be a real big deal for the MCU, as it will be the first solo female-led Marvel movie, and it is supposed to define the direction Phase 4 will mostly be taking. So far we have seen some great things related to the marketing of this film. Entertainment Weekly gave us a pretty good look at almost all the characters of the film and then the first trailer took a deep dive into Captain Marvel.
But we were left pretty inquisitive about the plot of the film, and those questions will surely be answered by the next big trailer, which is going to be the “Story trailer” of the film. Then again, the second trailer is still at least a month away from us, looking at a potential January launch.
Until then, Marvel will probably bring us the first Avengers 4 trailer and Sony may even chip in with a teaser for Spider-Man: Far From Home.
The Avengers 4 trailer will give us another look at Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel, but now we may actually know it for a fact that Captain Marvel could have her full appearance in Avengers 4, along with the helmet and everything! Yes, you read it right, we are going to have the Red & Blue helmet in the MCU as it has been leaked through some new Art Work for Captain Marvel. Have a look:
Us Marvel fans weren’t exactly sure whether we would be getting this helmet on a regular basis. The first trailer gave us a basic helmet, putting it in use with the Kree suit and doing some awesome fan service. But we all certainly thought that that was it!
We might not be getting the helmet in her trademark Red Blue & Gold suit as it will be pretty unpractical to wear in a fight. But what the hell, it is a Comic Book movie and we can get anything that the suit demands. So here’s another artwork revealing the helmet.
Looking at this, we can actually agree that the helmet would look pretty amazing in live action. But will it be a part of the film? Carol Danvers does look pretty amazing even without the helmet, so will Marvel treat this helmet just like they treated Thor’s?
They could have the helmet there either in the final fight of Captain Marvel or in Avengers 4, but for the larger part of Captain Marvel’s storyline in the MCU, we certainly might not be seeing a whole lot of it because of the impracticality of it being put upon Brie Larson every time on set.
It may become prevalent in future movies if it is installed in the suit as Nanotech and portrayed through CGI, but that is a question need not be answered right now. As the first trailer made it pretty obvious, that the solo movie will focus a whole lot on Carol’s character development.
Carol is certainly going to be a pretty unique character, not being similar to all other Super people from Marvel. Carol is a hot head and it has been mentioned by Brie Larson in a previous interview with EW that the Kree part of her moves into situations head first! She said:
“You have this Kree part of her that’s unemotional, that is an amazing fighter and competitive. Then there’s this human part of her that is flawed but is also the thing that she ends up leading by. It’s the thing that gets her in trouble, but it’s also the thing that makes her great. And those two sides warring against each other is what makes her her.”
Larson went on to talk about what really attracted her to take on this role. She mentioned that the in-depth dynamic of the role was the one that latched her on to being Marvel’s strongest hero. She said:
“That is something that is really exciting to me about this film: We did not cut corners on that stuff. Like, when it’s funny, it is funny, but also when there’s deep emotional things happening, it’s real. So I was able to bring some of those same things that I’ve brought to full dramatic roles into this, which I’m really proud of because I think it will really set this film apart.”
Captain Marvel comes out on March 8.