Spider-Man: Far From Home is Getting a Re-release With New 4-Minute Action Scene
Just like Disney, Sony is also getting a little money hungry. Avengers: Endgame got a re-release with an extra deleted scene, a tribute to Stan Lee and a tease for Spider-Man: Far From Home. It was done to take down Avatar for the number 1 spot. The rerelease did help Marvel achieve their goal, and now Sony is looking to do the same. Far From Home became the first Spider-Man movie to go past the Billion Dollar mark and it has also become the highest grossing Sony movie of all time. The Hollywood Reporter’s Borys Kit wrote on twitter:
But it seems that Sony wants an extra boost in the revenue for the film. The studio wants a convincing win for Far From Home. The Box Office numbers have gotten extremely low over the last two weekends and Spider-Man: Far From Home will go down swinging. Apparently, we’re getting an extended director’s cut rerelease in the US & Canada on August 29.
The new footage added to the film is going to be 4 minutes long and will have a fresh action scene attached. Now, where do you think this scene would take place? The answer would be – right in the beginning. The Iron Spider suit fight wasn’t a part of the final cut of the film, but now it will be. In the starting of the film, Spider-Man will fight a few bad guys in a restaurant, run a few errands before he left for his trip.
Apparently, this was going to be released as a short film with the Blu-Ray pack of Spider-Man: Far From Home, but the creatives have decided to give the film a rerelease itself. That’s a smart strategy considering that people will go for a rerun of the film at the theatres, and that will allow Spider-Man: Far From Home to ultimately beat the likes of Captain Marvel and a few other films at the Box Office.
There are two specific reasons for which this 4-minute scene was deleted from the film. The first is the 3000 theory. Spider-Man: Far From Home needed to be 129 minutes long so the total of the Infinity Saga ended up being 3000 minutes. Now we don’t know whether there was a strict mandate for keeping the film 2 Hours and 9 Minutes long, but it could be possible. The second reason was that the film wanted Peter to Europe as early as possible.
According to director Jon Watts, this sequence was “in the movie for a while”. He told io9 in June:
“It’s part of a montage where Peter is running a bunch of errands that he has to do before he flies to Europe. And the joke was his errands were he had to buy a dual headphone adapter… he had to get one of those European travel plugs, he sold some of his action figures so that he would have enough money to [minor spoiler removed], pick up his passport, and he had to take down this extremely dangerous crime family. That’s Spider-Man’s to-do list.”
Don’t worry if you’re not from North America because this extended scene will certainly be released as a short film with the BluRay pack of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Spider-Man: Far From Home stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Zendaya (Michelle Jones), Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Marisa Tomei (May Parker), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), Angourie Rice (Betty, Jacob Batalon (Ned), Tony Revolori (Flash Thompson), and Numan Acar (Dmitri).
Here’s the official Synopsis:
“Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter’s plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!”