Flash Season 5 Premiere Reveals a Dark Truth About Barry Allen
With the Thinker out of the Flash’s way, the fastest man alive is again free to roam the streets of Central City as long as the new threat does not pop up. Here’s the thing – it does not take long for something to pop up in the Flash’ life and put his knickers in a twist. The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 leaves us with a question that could have grave implications for Barry Allen. It might as well be the factor that decides whether the Flash is fated to die or could he now outrun his inevitable, deadly fate too. This news will be heart-wrenching. Brace yourselves. Presenting – Flash Season 5 premiere reveals a dark truth about Barry Allen!!
SPOILER ALERT – Major Spoilers for The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 up ahead. Enter at your own risk!
The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 has finally revealed the fate of Barry Allen and it is saddening. And it has something to do with the future timeline. As it turns out, Barry Allen goes missing for 25 years in the future. That is right folks. Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, either leaves or is forced to leave Central City, his wife, children, and his friends behind. But why does this happen?
Let us give you the background story.
Remember Season 1? In the first season of The Flash, it is revealed that Barry Allen has his work cut out for him when he meets another enemy speedster called the Reverse Flash. Their rivalry runs so deep that Reverse Flash is ready to travel back in time, kill Barry’s mother and prevent the flash from ever being born. His plan goes awry when he realizes that he is also stuck in the same timeline, unable to tap into the speed force to travel back in time to his future.
Here’s the catch – that incident involved two speedsters and not just one. The day Barry’s mother died, the Flash was also present. He was trying to protect his mother from the evil clutches of Eobard Thawne. And this is where the insane truth about the Future Barry Allen is revealed.
While the Reverse Flash is unable to return because he is cut out of the Speed Force, the Flash of the future timeline who had come to stop Eobard’s evil devices from coming into fruition also did not return home. The Flash and Reverse Flash both run into the past. Eobard does not return, does not Barry Allen. In short, Nora Allen, the daughter of Barry Allen and Iris West Allen, is forced to live a life without his father.
This is a lot to take in. In the future timeline newspaper shown by Gideon, it is revealed that Barry Allen takes the help of the Green Arrow, the Atom and Hawk Girl to battle Eobard Thawne who is hell-bent on destroying Central City. It was assumed that the Flash defeats the Reverse Flash in the past and returns back to the future, where he decides to take on whatever altered timeline awaits his presence. Turns out, he does not. Nora Allen confirms it before leaving for her own timeline.
What has made the future Barry Allen to be stuck in the past? Is it because he too lost his connection to the Speed Force? Or has something even worse happened? Is the Flash of the future dead? Is this the fate that awaits Barry Allen in the future? So many questions, so little answers!!
The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 aired on October 9th on The CW. The official synopsis of Season 5 of The Flash reads:
“Matching wits with The Thinker, who by season’s end had harnessed the powers of all twelve bus metas he created, stretched Team Flash to their limits, but with the help of some new allies, Barry Allen (aka The Flash) and company were able to put a stop to the Enlightenment and save Central City once again.
However, with the arrival of Barry and Iris’ speedster daughter, Nora, who arrived from the future admitting to having made a “big mistake”, things are anything but status quo. Will parenthood be the challenge that finally slows The Flash down?”