10 Most Insane Captain America Fan Theories About His Future in The MCU
We all know that Captain America is going to make his final appearance in the upcoming movie ‘Avengers 4’ and the news has been confirmed by Chris Evans himself on Twitter as he said,
“Officially wrapped on Avengers 4. It was an emotional day to say the least. Playing this role over the last 8 years has been an honor. To everyone in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in the audience, thank you for the memories! Eternally grateful.”
So, a lot of fans are generating theories about how his journey will end in the movie and some of the best and most popular fan theories are here and we are going to tell you everything about these theories So, let’s just start to see what are the possibilities for our beloved Captain America.
10. Two Captains In One Frame:
There are huge expectations that Carol Danvers is going to be the new Captain who’ll take the torch from the hands of a dying Captain America. As there are many fans who want to see Captain Marvel and Captain America fighting on the same side against Mad-Titan and his forces.
Also, there are chances and hopes that we will see some sort of connection between Captain Marvel and Captain America; if this will come true then it’s going to be seriously really awesome to see this two in one frame.
But, the possibility with the most percentage is that Carol Danvers is going to be the one who’ll take the responsibilities after the death of Captain America as she is exactly the same as Rodger in the movie.
9. Repeat The Heroic Again:
We all know that Captain America truly loves this world and will not hesitate for a second if one day someone will ask for his life and in return will make earth safe. We have seen this in the past when he in the movie ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’, he sacrificed in order to save the world.
This time also, there are reports that the Avengers are going to collect all the Infinity Stones before Thanos by traveling back in time and when it comes down to soul stone then he will be the one who’ll sacrifice himself in order to undo the effects of snap.
The other possibility is that Captain is going to sacrifice himself in order to make Iron Man able to wear the Infinity Gauntlet.
8. Wear The Infinity Gauntlet:
We all know that what powers the Infinity gauntlet holds in it and it’s really hard to choose a person from the side of Avengers and other superheroes in the movie whose mind is really strong as in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, we saw Collector saying that whoever wears the Infinity Gauntlet should have a very strong heart because the powers of the Gauntlet tries to corrupt the beholder and is the reason why they’ll need someone who has a pure heart in his body.
So, as we all know Captain America is the man who has the purees of souls in the whole team and is the reason why Doctor Erskine choose him to be the Super-Soldier because of one simple reason and that is ‘his pure heart’. So, it’s possible that he’ll wear the Infinity Gauntlet.
7. Fake His Demise In Order To Return Back:
There are chances that Captain Steve Rogers will lock horns with the Mad-Titan Thanos and while that fight he’ll be brutally injured but not dead because he’ll be taken into the hands of the people of Wakanda and because of which he’ll be able to survive the brutality of Thanos.
But, here comes the trick of the theory that he’s not going to tell the world that he’s alive in order to put a kind of pressure on the shoulders of Humanity and Superheroes both by maintaining a picture that he sacrificed himself in order to save the world.
So, this could be one of the possibilities as it will open some gates for his re-entry in the future because we all know that a character like Captain America can’t be put into the library for hold.
6. A Hard Decision For Captain:
There are chances that Captain will ask for the life of someone whom he loves the most. We all know there aren’t many people in his life left other than Bucky.
So, there are chances that maybe he’ll sacrifice his best-friend Bucky for getting the Time Stone as we all know that how much love he has for Bucky and is going to be a very hard decision for him to take this one as we all know that he even fought against Iron Man for the life of his friend and will be an emotional moment.
5. A Flying Captain America:
There are a lot of chances that Falcon is going to be the next Captain America because we all know that he has been with Steve Rogers for most of the time and has been a very close and faithful friend of Rogers and have everything to do the job in the honor of Rogers.
I know there are a lot of fans out there who want Bucky to hold the shield after the end of Captain Rogers but if we just don’t flow with the emotions and also see the abilities of Falcon and also the intelligence he possesses, we will find out that Falcon is the right guy to hold the shield because he has been with Rogers in tough times and a hybrid suit of falcon and Captain America is going to be very cool and powerful.
4. ‘Captain America And Iron Man’ In One Frame:
I know there aren’t many comic book fans out there who’ll agree with this but we really hope that Captain America and Iron Man are finally going to shake hands in this movie. No matter how much they fight with each other and how different their approaches are.
They are the ones who can die for each other when needed and maybe we will glimpses of that finally in the movie. As, we all know that this is going to be the last movie of Captain America, so there are huge chances that we are going to see Iron Man and Captain America shaking hands together.
3. The Greatest Friendship Ever:
There are chances that we are going to see the end of Bucky Barnes finally in Avengers 4 as we all know that his mental and physical condition has always been on and off. Also, with Captain America’s end near, it doesn’t seem necessary y to keep Bucky or go with him as the next Captain America because we all know the kind of character he is.
So, it’s easy to discover that Captain America will sacrifice his beloved friend in order to get the soul stone and maybe will not be able to cope up with the shock and either will go for the retirement or will face death because of some other reason. But, without Captain America, it’s hard to see Bucky Barnes.
2. Bucky Barnes Holding The Shield:
So, arguably one of the most discussed and circulated possibility on the internet is that Bucky Barnes is going to be the next Captain America and will lift the shield after the demise of Captain America and is going to be a very emotional scene to see Captain America dying in the hands of Bucky while telling him all the responsibilities he’s going to have now and also the trust and belief he has upon him.
Bucky is also the top-contender for this job in the eyes of many as we are finally getting a good view of Bucky with each movie passing and maybe this is going to be the time when he’ll lift the shield.
1. An Ending Can Be A Happy One Also:
We have to admit that Captain America is the superhero who deserves a happy ending for all the sacrifices he has done for all these years. This is the reason because of which he deserves a beautiful ending and the best ending we can give to Captain America is by giving him a life with his first love, Peggy Carter.
There are possibilities that by the use of time stone he’ll travel back in time and will live his life with Peggy as there are chances that the original Avengers will keep the Infinity stones with them.
But, seriously above all, I think it’s going to be really satisfying and happy for the fans to see their beloved superhero living a life he deserves. Thus, there are possibilities that we will see Captain America and Peggy Carter back in time holding their hands.
So, these are the theories about the future of Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and also some predictions about the end he is going to have. Which theory did you like the most? Tell us in the comments section below.