
Avengers: Infinity War – Here’s How Thor Would’ve Definitely Beaten Thanos With Mjolnir

Avengers: Infinity War was the first MCU movie where the villain was able to beat Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Thanos established himself as the big bad of Thanos, but there were so many instances where he could have been taken down by the heroes. He was so close to losing when Thor struck with the Stormbreaker, but since he did not go for the head, Thanos sneaked in the big snap and accomplished his big mission.

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

Infinity War could have easily been Thor’s movie but Thanos stole his spotlight. He did not go for the head which turned out to be a grave mistake, and according to Joe Russo, this is where Thor lost his big moment, and Infinity War officially became Thanos’ movie instead of Thor. Here’s what Joe Russo said:

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

“I think he’s been on a very complicated journey where he struggles with his ability to feel worthy and be worthy. I think he’s looking for a moral compass in his life. What we love about him in Infinity War is that he has been torn down to his essential parts and he goes on a hero’s journey which a very underdog journey for someone of his stature because he has lost everything in his life.”

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos was obviously the big star of the film. We could easily say that Avengers: Infinity War was Thanos’ movie. But before the movie even came out, Joe Russo mentioned in an interview that apart from Thanos, Thor will have a major role to play and he will be the hero who will get to have the most amount of screen time. He said:

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

“Interestingly enough, I’ll start out by saying Thanos, even though he’s not a character that had a huge preexisting story in the Marvel universe. He was a threat but he was not developed in any way up to this point. Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time in this film, in a lot of ways I would say it’s his movie. Our job when we make these films — and what we feel is important to us — is to surprise the audience. We wanted to tell a story that they weren’t expecting, and the story is told from the point of view of a villain, which I think is also really unique and risky for a commercial film that will surprise the audience. I think this is a market where the audience really enjoys innovation and disruption, and we want to do something innovative in this space. So I think Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time, and I think you’ll find that Thor has a really interesting arc in the film. He hasn’t been at the forefront of other Avengers movies but he certainly has a very important role in this film. So I’ll say, Thanos and Thor.” 

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

Well, I’m here to say that it wasn’t Thanos who stole Thor’s big thunderous moment. It was actually Hela! The Goddess of Death was responsible for making Thanos the big winner in this battle as she was the one who destroyed Mojlnir. Nothing against the greatness of the Stormbreaker, but Mjolnir would have been able to stop Thanos for good! Here’s a fanart given by a Redditor that shows how Thor would’ve beat Thanos if he still had his hammer. Have a look:

How Thor would’ve beat Thanos if he still had his hammer
by u/toosiewillson in thanosdidnothingwrong

It is actually hilarious to see this, but it does make sense! If Thor would have managed to keep Mjolnir on Thanos’ hand then he might not have been able to lift it. He would not have been able to complete the Snap and the Universe would have been saved!

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

But who’s to argue with the fact that with all the power that the Infinity Gauntlet with 6 Infinity Stones gave him, he would have easily been able to stop and even lift the Hammer. You need to be worthy of the Hammer but if you’ve noticed in the past, Odin, Vision, and Hela were the ones who were able to lift, stop and strike with the Hammer apart from Thor. So it could easily be the case that Thanos would also have been able to stop the Hammer.

Thor Thanos Mjolnir Avengers: Infinity War

So we could say that Thor would have only won if he went for Thanos’ head or chopped off his arm. Now he will return in Avengers 4 and we will see how the Avengers make their final stand against the Mad Titan and actually defeat him. 

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