Deadpool 2 – Here’s Why Jean Grey Was Missing in the X-Men Cameo
Deadpool 2 was a movie which totally satisfied the audiences’ need for thrill, action and humour in the film. Everyone was excited for this movie and all that excitement paid off when the movie hit the theatres. The first movie surprised each and everyone by being so good, and the second one actually turned out to be as good as the first, if not better! It was surely bigger than the first one in every way, having a bigger budget, more hardcore R-Rated action sequence, more amazing characters, a lot more humour and some really surprising cameos.
Since it was a Deadpool 2 movie, it was supposed to be surprising as Deadpool equals craziness, which brings some big stunning surprises along. Along with the new characters with the likes of Cable, Domino and even Russell, there were so many awesome cameos, except for the one cameo we were actually looking for (The Wolverine Cameo).
Very few fans could actually figure out the Matt Damon cameo towards the first act of the movie as he appeared as a Redneck with a fat belly talking about Toilet Paper when Cable arrived in the past. The other more notable cameo was of the Director of the movie, David Leitch himself. When Deadpool was fighting off Cable on the convoy, some prisoner pods were being released from the truck, and the first pod to be released actually had Director Leitch as a mutant.
Other than these two, there were two other cameos which completely blew our brains as one of those turned out to be Brad Pitt who actually appeared for a split second as the Vanisher right before the character died. Another one of those surprising cameos turned out to be the one with the X-Men.
That cameo actually had a lot of importance in the movie as not only did it answer the question of why were Deadpool and Negasonic the only two individuals to be seen in the entire X Mansion, but it also gave us the answer to the question of Deadpool’s continuity, because we all were unsure that in which timeline does Deadpool actually take place.
X-Men Days of Future Past fixed caused a rift in the timeline which was explainable and understandable, but it successfully managed to right Fox’s wrongs by actually erasing the bad stuff like X-Men Origins: Wolverine and most importantly, X-Men: The Last Stand from existence. Well, in the process, it also removed two of the good X-Men movies, but that’s okay because it had to be done.
Then came in the confusing timeline of Deadpool. Deadpool was set in the X-Men Universe and it totally showed us the X-Men and everything, making the X-Men exist in this Universe. But we were not sure whether Deadpool was a part of the same X-Men universe or it was its own thing with the X-Men existing in the alternate Universe.
Seeing Deadpool 2, we had the answer to when it takes place as the newly formed team in X-Men Apocalypse appears in the movie in a very quiet cameo which was enjoyed a lot by the fans. In this cameo, we got to see Professor X, Cyclops, Quicksilver, Storm, Nightcrawler and Beast who were having a meeting and quickly shut the door before Deadpool could see them.
While this cameo did solve the question of DP’s continuity, another question arose from that. As it was apparent, Sophie Turner’s Jean Grey was not a part of this cameo so everyone’s been asking that why was she absent when everyone else was present.
Well, we now have an answer to that as Deadpool 2’s Director David Leitch recently talked to Den of Geek and he revealed that Turner was absent due to scheduling issues. He said:
“It might have been one of those things where we’re up against it. and it’s like, who’s available that day by the time we had to get the shot and get it down to us…we’re grateful to have anyone we could get at that point.”
As he said, we all were lucky to have the other X-Men and Jean Grey’s absence should not bother anyone. She might have been on a mission or something, who knows.
Deadpool 2 stars Ryan Reynolds, Brianna Hildebrand, Leslie Uggams, Stefan Kapičić, and Karan Soni, with newcomers Zazie Beetz, Josh Brolin and Julian Dennison. Jean Grey will appear in the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix which will come out on February 14, 2019.