
4 Deadpool Comic Book Teams Series You Probably Don’t Know

3. Uncanny Avengers Vol. 3

Uncanny Avengers Vol. 3 is a 21-part on-going comic book series which was published on December 2015 and will end up in 2017. The series is accompanied by Uncanny Avengers Annual series. A new threat to the Avengers will also appear in the upcoming series. Moreover, a new unity squad is also formed between Avengers and X-Men. And there much more interesting revelation like this. So keep tracking it.

4. Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 2

deadpool teams

Created by Cullen Bunn and Iban Coello, this 9-part on-going comic book series explains how Deadpool is a terrible leader. Do you think that’s bullshit? Then ask the Mercs for Money, they are the ones who will rub your face with reality.

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