The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first project on Thor was just a big superhero blow to all the comics book fans. Before Thor first appeared in his first movie with the same name, his comic book appearance was not as trending as it is today now. The character skyrocketed after his big screen appearance. It’s obvious that all the films are adaptations from the comic books, but have you ever wondered which are the best ones to get a super adventurous comic ride. Come along with us and check out four Thor comic books we should read.
1) Skurge’s Last Stand (1985)
In the 1980s, Walt Simonson reinvigorated best of the Marvel comic book stories and Skurge’s Last Stand is one of the epitomes of it. In this book, Simonson demonstrates the way he looked superhero characters and their tales initially. He took Skurge and gave him indelible moments of virtuousness.
2) Frog of Thunder(1986)
Well, this is kind of a strange one and the only person who could write like this was Walt Simonson. In this strange storyline, Loki changes the god of thunder in a frog. Moreover, the book explains what makes the Their a unique hero he is and how is personality shine through.