Vixen is cast in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 2
The character of Vixen was introduced in Arrow season 4, when Oliver called her to help him fight Damien Darhk. She helped Team Arrow not only to rescue William but told them about the power source of Darhk’s mystical abilities. Recently, DC Studios made a six part animation mini-series on the character which also featured animated versions of Flash and Arrow. It was only a matter of time that the character of Vixen makes a live-action debut on DC TV Universe. She was played by Megalyn Echikunwoke (who gave a voice-over of Vixen in animation series.
Vixen grew up without a mother as she was killed by a group of poachers, she was raised by Reverend Richard of her village based in ancient Africa. He had the possession of the Tantu totem, later he was killed by his own brother General Maksai. When she came to know about the power of totem, she returned to her village, took it from her uncle and became Vixen. She has supernatural abilities to harness the powers of animal kingdom. In one of DC comics storyline she started leeching off powers of super-humans around her, she can literally mimic meta-human powers of Flash, kryptonian powers of Superman or Archery skills of Arrow. She was even part of Justice League of America & Suicide Squad for a brief period.
The DC’s Legends of Tomorrow makers have confirmed that she will be introduced in season 2, but she will not be played by Megalyn Echikunwoke. Moreover, the show will feature an older version of Vixen instead of Mary McCabe and through time-travelling component of the show viewers will see “an earlier version of the character who may or may not share some sort of historical tie to Miss McCabe.” However, Megalyn will continue to voice Vixen in theanimated series and could even guest-star in Arrow future seasons.