6 Little things that will make you feel Proud of you
Feeling proud of yourself is one of the best feelings in the world. But have you ever wondered do we really need to accomplish great things to make us feel proud of whom we are. Being applauded in the class for answering a correct answer, giving the best suggestion to solve an issue, seeing your parents happy with your result or knowing all the questions in the examination hall, isn’t these little things which happen with us in our day to day life make us feel happy about our own selves. Little actions may not make us feel way too delighted but they do leave a magical impression on us. Some deeds of ours gives us satisfaction within our hearts and make us feel content.
So here is a list of little things which may not take much of your time but may give much of bliss and pride.
Changing or developing a habit:
Changing or developing a habit to make ourselves a better person will definitely provide huge amount of joy. A habit of biting our nails, excessive sleeping, watching TV for hours, or over eating can be changed by regular practice and will. And if you are one of the good souls on earth, you can be the best by developing a few good habits like drinking adequate amount of water, reading newspaper, spending your money wisely or going for a walk daily. These habits will not only have a positive impact on your life but it will bring the best out of you.
Visiting a NGO or orphanage:
The pleasure of feeling that you are so gifted and have innumerable blessings bestowed upon you can be felt when you visit a helping home or similar institutions. Spending your time and love for the ones who don’t have anyone to share their joys with is gigantically noble deed. Many NGO’s like Helpage India, Goonj, smile foundation, CRY, Give India etc. not only ask for voluntary services but open their gates for every friendly visitor.
Gift a gift to someone special without any reason or rhyme:
There might be only few people existing on the planet who don’t like gifts. Gifts and presents are always welcomed and liked by each. When you gift someone close to your heart without any occasion, you make them feel special. He/she may be your mother, father, sister, friend, teacher or anybody. The person to whom you are gifting will come closer to you and make your bond stronger. Gift may be a letter or a mug or anything expensive. You can use the trick to strengthen your loose connections.
Earning a penny:
Earning for your expenses not only makes you feel proud but makes you independent. You can start up by putting up stalls in your college or school, charging fees for doing any work like covering books for friends , selling homemade cookies or earning online. You can earn by doing something that you are good at and something that you love. You can gift yourself goodies with your hard earned money.
Doing something your parents wanted you do:
Fulfilling wishes of the souls who are ever ready to fulfill your wishes makes you feel gratified. These wishes can be doing your prayers daily, helping them in kitchen or office or anything they wanted from you like spending an hour with them without using your cellphone. Nobody can beat the gift by lucky in Mai Hoon Na, Bollywood movie, of his haircut to his mother on her birthday. Make your parents feel they are lucky to have you.
Let go of your fears:
Break all your insecurities and fears on daily basis, it might be talking with your new colleagues, feeding a dog, sleeping alone or travelling alone. Break free yourself from everything you fear from. It might be dealing with a dreadful insect or trying out an adventurous ride or talking with someone on whom you had a huge crush.
So start your day with a fresh start and march towards becoming a better person, a person free from insecurities , a person who is happy and glad to see oneself in mirror and not hesitant to ask Mirror! Mirror! On the wall, who’s the best of all? And the answer would be YOU, YOU and you!