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The Biggest Mistake Made By The Riddler Was Revealed Within The Opening Minutes

The Batman is probably one of the most brilliant adaptations of the character from the comic books. It takes a rather interesting spin on the character, something that hasn’t quite been done in the previous attempts on the character. At the same time, it also features a rendition of the popular Batman villain, the Riddler that is absolutely different from what we have known. The character has a haunting appearance as the masked figure and it makes for an interesting character study. But the character has an issue that is clearly indicated in the movie. The opening scene from The Batman clearly indicates the biggest mistake The Riddler makes while comparing himself with the titular caped crusader.

The Batman

Throughout the movie, we get to see the Riddler as a villain who ends up being someone Batman couldn’t have even expected. The character is always one step ahead of Batman and even uses his brilliance to make people confess their crimes before getting them killed. There is a particular rendition of Batman here as a figure who clearly imagines that he is more than what people expect him to be. This arrogance actually leads to him making some of the biggest mistakes in the movie. And each such mistake only makes the Riddler a lot bigger of a villain than we could have expected.


Biggest Mistake Made By The Riddler

Around the end, we could Batman seriously being shocked when he feels that the Riddler knew about his identity. The scene is constructed in a manner that clearly shows that the Riddler is aware of the secret identity until the villain states that he doesn’t have any idea about that. This just goes to show how much of a powerful villain and a threat he posed to Gotham City. But this doesn’t mean that he didn’t make any mistakes. Around the end, he reveals that he thought he was working along with Batman but that was clearly not the case. There’s a bigger mistake the character makes in the movie.


The Biggest Mistake Made By The Riddler

The opening sequence for the movie shows the Riddler watching Mayor Don Mitchell’s residence from the opposite building. A few minutes later he would appear right behind the mayor and go ahead and kill him. This appearance is actually quite similar to the way Batman might target his opponents. He would actually say that Batman was his inspiration later in the movie before going for more kills in the project. This was a clear indication that he considered himself as a rendition of Batman and that is actually a big mistake on his part. He didn’t really understand what Batman meant and he made his own definition of the caped crusader.


This opening scene is actually quite similar to a scene later in the movie where Batman is following Selina Kyle. He would also be observing Kyle’s apartment from the building opposite in order to look for answers. But Batman doesn’t just barge in and make a move and tries to actually figure out what was happening here before giving his own reaction. He didn’t go for killing Selina or the other girl he was looking for, something we might expect the Riddler to do. This scene actually lays out the clear idea regarding the big mistake that the Riddler was making from the very beginning: him considering himself to be inspired by Batman.


Biggest Mistake Made By The Riddler

There are a lot of parallels between Edward Nashton and Bruce Wayne in the movie. But still, these parallels end up clearly indicating that Bruce Wayne actually had different perspectives in comparison to Nashton in the movie. Even though Nashton would have his own analysis regarding Wayne later in the movie, Wayne proved his worth by saving Gotham from a much worse condition during the ending minutes of the movie. This clearly manages to show us two people having certain similarities and yet behaving like the opposite faces of the same coin. The Batman is now playing in theaters worldwide.

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