6 Reasons Why Batman is Not Worthy Of Wielding Mjolnir
The MCU has a lot of narratives working at the same time. This often leads to certain elements being brought in later and we only get to discover that this was something that had been referenced earlier. One of the most awesome amongst these has to that of being worthy to wield Mjolnir. There was a lot of discussion about who can wield Thor’s hammer and things came to an exciting point when Captain America ended up wielding it. This makes us wonder about other characters who can wield the hammer and thus be worthy. DC has some interesting superheroes and one of the best characters here is Batman. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why Batman is not worthy of wielding Mjolnir, and he never will be.
The Childhood Trauma
One of the most important aspects of Bruce Wayne’s persona is his massive guilt surrounding his parent’s death. The character tries to go through the trauma again and again and this is actually what drove him to become Batman. Since he has a mental drawback with this thing it continuously affects his persona and thus it might prevent him from being worthy. Most of the other characters in the superhero world have this trauma but Batman actually lives through the trauma a lot of times and this is definitely one of the reasons why he won’t be worthy.
The Dark Knight Isn’t Exactly Noble
There have been various times in the arc of the character where he has actually given in to certain temptations. This has allowed for certain criminals to get away and this might not have been exactly selfish but it did go against the idea of being a good hero. The character doesn’t trust anyone and this is the reason he is well aware of everyone’s weaknesses.
The Time Batman Became A God
Over the years, Batman has undergone various interesting developments. One of the most awesome developments has to be when the character became the God of Knowledge after getting the Mobius Chair. But Batman didn’t actually end up doing much good during this period and it became clear that this wasn’t for the best results.
He Believes He Isn’t Good
An interesting aspect of Batman’s character is being aware of the self and knowing the write and the wrong. Batman knows the best way to achieve something and the worst ways to do the same, and he can use both depending on the circumstance. Even though this is not a good thing, it actually makes him much better than other heroes in certain aspects. Batman once said during a fight with Superman:
If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he’s got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark’s essentially a good person… and deep down, I’m not.
The No Kill Policy
Even though Batman will opt for the better means when it comes to achieving his goal, he has some policies. One of the most commonly used policies by the Dark Knight is the No-Kill rule. He doesn’t kill his enemy and this actually makes him different from a lot of other heroes in the universe. The character would always make sure that his opponent is not dead however bad he may be. This might come as a hurdle when it comes to being worthy.
Generating Fear Isn’t Exactly Respectful
Batman doesn’t depend on getting thanks from people and depends on the idea of generating fear. He would make sure that his enemy is afraid of him as much as the victim is afraid of him. This actually builds a certain depth to the character and it’s also the reason many people don’t trust him as a hero. The sense of fear might not actually be the ideal term when it comes to being worthy.
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