What is Captain Marvel’s Future in The MCU?
Till now, the only thing we have got for Captain Marvel on the big screen is the little reference in the post-credits of Avengers: Infinity War. We have seen quite a lot in the first trailer, but still, it would not count as a movie appearance yet because the film has not come out.
But from what we hear, she is going to step up as the new leader of the MCU along with Black Panther. Together the two are supposedly going to have a similar partnership as Captain America and Iron Man had with Doctor Strange sort of being the Thor of the team.
As Captain America and Iron Man will be done with the franchise, it has been said that Captain Marvel will be the one to take things forward and she will be the ultimate powerhouse of the MCU from here on. Her origin story takes place in the 90s and then she makes her second appearance in Avengers 4.
That will finish 2 movies in her supposedly long contract. Post-Avengers 4, we know for sure that Captain Marvel will get at least 2 more sequels, which will logically be set up after the events of Avengers 4. So this brings the total to 4 movies in total.
A report that came out just a little while ago stated that Brie Larson has a 7 movie deal with Marvel, but then Brie Larson herself denied the credibility of that report as she stated that there is no such deal. But we know for a fact that every big name Marvel Cinematic Universe actor stays for a long period of time.
Robert Downey Jr. will have appeared as Tony Stark in 10 movies after Avengers 4 comes out, and both Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth will have finished their 9 picture deal, so it is safe to imagine that Brie Larson will obviously have at least 7 Marvel movies in her contract, and we are pretty sure that there are going to be even more than that.
The Captain Marvel trilogy and Avengers 4 counts to 4 movies, and apart from that, we could imagine that she would have one or two cameos in other MCU movies like Robert Downey Jr. had in The Incredible Hulk, Chris Evans had in Thor: The Dark World & Thor had in Doctor Strange.
Let’s just hypothetically assume that Larson will have 8-9 movies, then after counting her cameo, the total comes to 5 MCU movies.
Now that leaves us with 3-4 movies spaces yet to be filled. 1 or 2 of those could be imagined as more Avengers sequels, or whatever Marvel wants to call the franchise in the future. And the rest two could be the female team up movies.
Now remember that it has been said multiple times that the future of the MCU will involve as many female lead characters as males, so it is not very tough to decipher that Marvel’s ultimate goal here may be to make the female team up movies/A-Force rival the Avengers franchise.
They could build up to the core A-Force film by bringing 3-4 established MCU characters in first. The first team up film could have Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and probably the Wasp, then the core A-Force film would have more female characters added like Jean Grey, Storm, Shuri, Okoye, Rogue & even the cosmic characters with the likes of Valkyrie, Gamora & Mantis could come in.
So, this completes her contract with Marvel unless there are more movies to come in. But this right here is how you could summarize her future in the MCU. She will obviously bring in the secret invasion storyline into the MCU, which will be a major thing of the future, and it will be interesting to see how Marvel grounds their most powerful character to the level of humans.
Along with her human side, we will obviously get to see her establish the fact that she indeed is the strongest of all, and that will happen when she takes on a worthy adversary and gets to display her full set of powers.
For now, let’s see what Marvel has in store for her in Captain Marvel and Avengers 4. Captain Marvel hits the theatres on March 8, 2019, and it will be followed by Avengers 4 which comes out on May 3, 2019,