
Stranger Things Actor Finn Wolfhard Fired His Agent Over Sexual Misconduct

Netflix’s Stranger Things actor Finn Wolfhard broke the internet when he revealed how he fired his agent over sexual misconduct. Back in 2017, several sexual batteries allegations were made against Tyler Grisham, Finn’s then-agent. Wolfhard reveals that he immediately fired him when he became aware of those allegations.

Finn Wolfhard is a Canadian actor, musician, singer, and director. He started acting at the early age of 11 but rose to fame for his role in Stranger Things, a sci-fi series streaming on Netflix. Since then, Wolfhard has appeared in movies like IT and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The world sees as he branches out in the cinema industry as he announces his first feature film.

Stranger Things Actor Finn Wolfhard

Finn Wolfhard has announced that he will be directing a horror-comedy-slasher. However, this will not be his first outing as a director. He has been credited for directing a short film, Night Shifts which is currently streaming on YouTube. In addition to this, he has used his teen years to develop as a singer and musician. He managed to create a pretty good career out of music. In a few years of his career, he has worked with some pretty awesome actors like Paul Rudd, Bill Murray, and Sigourney Weaver.



Recently in an interview with the Washington Post, Wolfhard opened up about the events that led to him firing his agent. Finn was only 14 when he became aware of the sexual misconduct allegations against his agent, Tyler Grisham. He admitted his guilt for Grisham’s victims and fired him and his agency at the first thought. In his words:

He was abusing his power. When it comes to something like that, you can’t be personal, like, ‘Yeah, but I’ve met him and he’s really nice.’ When something incredibly serious and awful like that comes out, there’s no going back. When I found that out, I was like, ‘Oh, absolutely fire him. That’s insane.’ I felt so terrible for the people who were harmed by this person.

Stranger Things Actor Finn Wolfhard

With this act, Finn Wolfhard has yet again proved that he is way too wise for his age. He is only 18 and already managing 4 careers at once. Plus, setting an example for everyone in the industry, that’s just something not everybody can do. Some actors would have ignored the fact that his agent’s personal life doesn’t matter for him, but not Finn. He believes in the fact that you have to distance yourself from toxic people to achieve greatness.

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