WandaVision Finale Could Feature Three Separate Battles
Marvel’s first-ever Disney+ series, WandaVision, is about to end and the climax is really ambiguous as of now. No particular details have been seen yet, and fans have only been wondering what the actual scene is going to be. WandaVision episode 8 left its viewers on a cliff. Nothing was hinted, except the revelation of White Vision, called “Cataract” by SWORD. As told in the post-credit scene, White Vision is powered by Wanda’s Hex bubble reality, a power source so unique that it charged White Vision and got it online as no other power source could do. Episode 8 also told us that Wanda has to face three enemies now – Agatha Harkness, SWORD, and White Vision. The only person to her aid is Monica Rambeau, and we doubt if Vision would be of any help if White Vision directly tackles him and takes him out.
Episode 9 now has to set up three major superhero showdowns for the show’s season finale. This final episode will conclude Scarlet Witch’s fight with Agatha Harkness, SWORD, and her brand new enemy – White Vision. This was all established in episode 8, with Agatha blowing away Wanda’s mind, and SWORD successfully bringing White Vision online. So far, fans have understood the origins of most of it. Viewers now know how and why Wanda created the Hex, why she chose Westview for her purpose, what happened to Vision’s body, and her swelled into their past to the exact moment when she got her powers. Wanda may naturally be stronger than Agatha if we weigh in with her Chaos Magic, but Agatha possesses a vast knowledge material of witchcraft. This experience will let Agatha overpower Wanda for a while, but the source of Wanda’s power will eventually beat Agatha Harkness.
The two Visions are expected to go toe-to-toe in the season finale, and it will be reminiscent of Captain America’s fight with himself, one from Avengers: Endgame and the original Captain America. The interaction between the two Visions will be definitely interesting, as both are created by Wanda’s powers, but Vision is more aware of his emotions, and White Vision is simply a machine and can be hell-bent on killing if told to do so. But considering that Westview’s Vision is fake, and White Vision is simply what’s left of the real Vision, it’ll be safe to say that White Vision is the real Vision, but an emotionless shell of the real Vision.
An interesting detail that we must not miss is this – Monica Rambeau and Quicksilver imposter. Monica (Teyonah Parris) is on Wanda’s side and is doubtful that she will ever leave her side. Even though the two characters were not in episode 8, they can go head to head too. In episode 7’s post-credits scene, he was seen catching her by surprise outside Agatha’s basement, almost as if Agatha had kept him to guard her home. But nothing was made of that development, and they both were not seen in episode 8. We can expect to see them in the finale, and they might also battle. It’ll be interesting to see Monica, who just recently got her powers, put them to use against a much powerful adversary. Be it a yes or no, we believe that Monica won’t have much of a choice but to fight against Quicksilver and help Wanda.
It will definitely be interesting to see White Vision and Vision go ahead and face each other, as a conversation between them would be really different. As Vision was born in Avengers; Age of Ultron, he did not know much of the world or who he was, but he was extremely powerful. The same could go for White Vision, considering he wouldn’t care for the world of who he is because he is simply a machine. A battle between Wanda and Agatha sounds legendary. One of the most epic moments in the finale episode could be Wanda’s transformation to the real Scarlet Witch. As Agatha said, her Chaos Magic allows her to create anything she wants, which means that she easily construct herself a new attire, which will obviously be derived from the comics.
Not only this, we are yet to see a cameo of one Marvel character as Paul Bettany said earlier. This particular character has still not been seen anywhere, and it only makes sense now if this character comes to the finale. Amidst all the chaos that’s currently happening in Westview, there seems to still be something else brewing in WandaVision with Bettany still relentless in teasing this mystery character, this time, in a new interview with Esquire. Paul Bettany said,
”This is the theory that says there is some mysterious Avenger who is going to appear in WandaVision, and people seem to think that mysterious Avenger is Doctor Strange. Truth is, of all of the characters that we were trying to keep secret, a lot of them got out through leaks. There is one character that has not been revealed and it is very exciting, it’s an actor I’ve longed to work with all of my life. We have some amazing scenes together, and the chemistry between us is, I think, extraordinary, and it was just fireworks on set. So I’m really excited for people to see that stuff.”
So there it is WandaVision’s finale in a nutshell. Lots of action, and the welcoming of a new character. WandaVision will feature its finale, episode 9, on Disney+, this Friday.