8 Popular Minor Characters That Stole The Spotlight
The protagonist is usually the face of the movie. But do you ever happen to recall a film by a minor character? It takes a great deal of charm and powerful acting to throw the hero off the stage. It is rare and reverberating when a non-leading and non-supporting character goes viral amongst the viewers. Whenever the movie is picked up, this is the character that fans can’t stop discussing. So here are the 8 popular minor characters that stole the spotlight.
Korg in Thor: Ragnarok
“Thor: Ragnarok” is one of the best and most hilarious MCU movies till date. And we have director Taika Waititi to thank for that. The brilliant director also played everyone’s favorite character, Korg, in the film. We were completely taken in surprise and spat in laughter when the gigantic pile of rocks greeted Thor in the sweetest accent “Hey man! I’m Korg!”. He instantly became a lovable character, who was actually inspired by an extremely polite bouncer that Taika once encountered.
Mark Hanna in The Wolf of Wall Street
It is hard to get noticed in the presence of Leonardo DiCaprio, let alone playing a minor character. Portraying Jordan Belfort was one of the biggest and most phenomenal performances of DiCaprio that left us spellbound. But the movie also had a small guest star who himself is a gem of Hollywood. Matthew McConaughey has delivered many memorable performances and most of them are as lead roles. However, amongst his popular roles, we also have Mark Hanna, the eccentric mentor of Jordan.
Jesus Quintana in The Big Lebowski
The 1998 crime-comedy “The Big Lebowski” is a cult classic that fans are still not over. Jeff Bridges was widely admired for portraying The Dude, which became one of his biggest works. But there is another star whose name is always taken with this classic film. You know we are talking about John Turturro’s Jesus Quintana. This bowler had a killer accent and a stunning aura that you just couldn’t ignore.
Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park
Not just “Jurassic Park”, there is something about Jeff Goldblum that steals the audience’s attention even in the presence of abs and gods. Long before he entertained us as the Grandmaster in “Thor: Ragnarok”, Goldblum played Ian Malcolm in “Jurassic Park”. It became one of his most iconic roles. Becoming one of the most talked-about characters promoted him to longer screen-time in the sequels.
Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder
The classic comedy, “Tropic Thunder” starred a team of the most talented actors in the industry. In spite of that, Tom Cruise is the one who comes to our mind the moment someone mentions the movie. The handsome and breathtaking action star took a completely different route for this movie. Tom was completely unrecognizable as Les Grossman, the balding man with hairy arms and moobs. Grossman is still counted as one of the most hilarious characters of cinemas.
Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past
There is no iota of doubt that MCU is the more successful and bigger Marvel franchise than what Fox Studios tried to build. One can give the credits to the awesome storyline, visuals, and the casting of A-list actors. However, when it comes to Quicksilver, who was portrayed in both MCU and FOX by different actors, the latter was the winner. It’s astonishing how Evan Peters’ Quicksilver won everyone’s hearts with such a short screen-time. We can’t have enough of his charming, witty, and fun-loving personality. No wonder that Marvel fans are demanding MCU to bring Evan Peter under its wing.
Mr. Chow in The Hangover
C’mon! None of us can disagree that there is no Hangover without Mr. Chow and Alan. It’s impossible to even count the number of times these two left us out of breath with their hilarious acts. Ken Jeong’s Mr. Chow is scary and funny at the same time. You may not want to get drunk with a person like Mr. Chow but we can’t deny that adventure begins with him. There has never been a single conversation on the popular movie without the mention of the wild and crazy Chow. Even though he had a short screen time, it turned out to be a breakthrough role for Ken. He even earned himself a bigger role in the following sequels.
Klaue in Black Panther
Okay! Andy Serkis didn’t steal anyone’s spotlight because every actor in “Black Panther” was terrific and moved with their own light. But, in spite of getting small screen time amidst such a powerful cast, Andy Serkis left a lasting impact. He appeared in MCU’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Black Panther” as Ulysses Klaue as the minor bad guy. Had it been anyone other than Andy, the actor would have easily been overshadowed by Ultron and Killmonger’s presence. But he made Klaue a critical part of the MCU even in those short roles.