Justice League’s New Wonder Woman:
What we have here is straight-up exciting for all the DC Comics fans. If you have an avid interest in DC Comics, then you’re reading the right article. Brian Bendis and David Marquez are reuniting for a new series of Justice League, with Bendis switching up the team roster considerably. The new Justice League includes some of the staple heroes, notably Batman and Superman, but it is missing big names such as The Flash, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter. A number of newer characters are stepping up to join the Justice League for the first time, including the likes of Black Adam and Naomi. But the most surprising addition is a new recruit and replacing someone really important.
Somebody is here to take Diana’s place as Wonder Woman, and it is her mother, Hippolyta. January and February will see the entire line replaced by the Future State range, which will explore the future of the DC Universe. Then, in March, there’ll be a number of new series launches and changes of the guard. It looks like Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira is taking over her daughter’s role as the Amazon’s champion in the world of men. It will be fascinating to see how Hippolyta navigates the modern world, and the dynamic between the Amazon Queen and Aquaman, champion of Atlantis, will no doubt be an entertaining one. The current Endless Winter event has revealed this isn’t the first time Hippolyta has been part of a superhero team.
The event recently introduced the Justice League of the 10th century, with Hippolyta serving alongside Black Adam, the Viking Prince, and an early Swamp Thing. It’s possible Endless Winter will force Hippolyta to become more active in the world of men, explaining why she joins the modern Justice League.
Now the interesting question that has most definitely popped up is, why did Diana have to leave? Or was it something so big that Queen Hippolyta had to step in herself? The Future State initiative appears heavily focused on Diana’s legacy, with stories featuring both Nubia and new character Yara Flor, both of whom are destined to become the Wonder Woman of tomorrow. All of this may suggest that Diana, the Amazon Princess, perhaps will be leaving Earth for good. If so, a woman who has frequently negotiated peace between the Amazons and the human race will have left, and her mother is unlikely to be able to bridge the philosophical and cultural gulf quite so effectively. But we would have to see it for ourselves and check if our assumptions are right after all or not.
In the DCEU movies, we have seen Connie Nielsen play the epic character of Queen Hippolyta and she is somewhat of what she is described in the Comics. Queen Hippolyta is a fictional DC Comics superhero, based on the Amazon queen Hippolyta from Greek mythology. Introduced in 1941 during the Golden Age of Comic Books, she is the queen of the Amazons of Themyscira, the mother of Wonder Woman, and in some continuities, the adopted mother of Donna Troy.
Connie Nielsen has played Queen Hippolyta in Wonder Woman, released in 2017, and in Wonder Woman 1984, which has released in some international markets and goes in theatres on December 25, 2020, and is also set for a streaming release on HBO Max on the same date.
If this change happens, saying that Diana is no longer the Wonder Woman, we seriously wish to see Connie, playing Hippolyta, star as the Wonder Woman in at least one of the DCEU movies, with of course Diana coming back to reclaim her position as the Wonder Woman. All of it may remain in the mist for a while, and it is nothing but an assumption and strictly adheres to what we wish to see. This particular change is definitely very intriguing, and can surely provide for a strong base of why the change happened.
We may get to know as to why The Amazonians decided to have Hippolyta as the Wonder Woman and why not Diana. We know how strictly The Amazonians follow their guidelines regarding their rules and their way of living. Anything is possible when it comes to their stringiest rules, and it is very much possible that Hippolyta might have taken the decision of stepping in as Wonder Woman by herself.
With time we will find out, and till then, let us know what you feel about this hard-hitting change.