
New Set Photos Show Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Sharon Carter & Batroc the Leaper  

We’re happy that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has begun production. There’s a lot left to be shot because recent reports have suggested that the cast & crew will return to Czech Republic to resume production, which will go on until November. So, the show won’t arrive until 2021. But at least Marvel is back to work in Atlanta, GA. Sebastian Stan just posted a new image, which has been taken straight from the set. Take a look at Anthony Mackie in his new Falcon suit:

Sam & Bucky maintaining their social distance isn’t the only thing that has made its way on the internet. We’ve also got photos of Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter, Georges St-Pierre as Batroc the Leaper from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Desmond Chiam as a mystery character. To get a look at all the set photos, you’d have to visit JustJared.Com. They’ve given a link to their post in the following tweet:

We don’t know which character Desmond Chiam is playing in the upcoming series. But there are some clues that could point us to his mystery role. In the set photos which were seen earlier this year, the map of the in famous mutant location, Madripoor was spotted. And later, we got a supposed plot leak of an episode from the upcoming series. This leak mentioned Batroc the Leaper & the Russian mutant Omega Red appearing together in Madripoor.

Here, read the plot leak first, and then we’ll talk about Chiam’s mystery character:

Sam isn’t allowed to be Cap because of the events of Civil War, but trusts US Agent to take over the mantle.

US Agent genuinely wants to do a good job and doesn’t realize he’s part of a bigger plan.

Sam and Bucky have to work with Zemo to track down a crime syndicate called The Alchemists. Zemo is essentially their hostage but he has vital information.

They go to Madripoor with him and there they meet Batroc the Leaper and Omega Red.

Falcon And The Winter Soldier Trailer Description

Agent 13 and Bucky seem to have a romance. Very flirty vibes. Sam judges Bucky for it and Bucky says, “Steve dated her like 70 years ago.”

William Hurt is in the show. At least in this one episode. Seemed to reference events of Black Widow.

Zemo escapes from them in a speedboat to end the episode.

Sam got shot in the episode.”

The question that I’ll put up now is, what if Desmond Chiam is actually playing Omega Red? If you’ve seen the set photos of Chiam that have been brought forward by, then you could make out that he actually seems to be pulling off a Russian look similar to Ivan Vanko from Iron Man 2. So, he could be playing Omega Red, and the aforementioned plot leak might just be spot on. Omega Red is actually blonde in the comics, but the MCU could have made some changes of their own to his appearance. And if he isn’t playing Omega Red, then we will find out about his mystery character soon enough.

Anyway, we’re glad that the series is going to connect with Captain America: The Winter Soldier as it is bringing Batroc the Leaper back. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is still considered to be one of the best MCU movies till date. We’re excited for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier because Sebastian Stan compared the upcoming series to The Winter Soldier. He said:

“It felt like both. In a lot of ways, it felt like a movie. What I loved about it was that, tonally, it was very much in the same world that Captain America: The Winter Soldier was, which was one of my favorite experiences that I’ve ever had, period. So, in a sense, it was grounded and very much in the world as we know it. But, it’s also really jam-packed with a lot of massive, massive action scenes mixed with deep focus on character. These characters are getting so much more mileage for all of us to explore them. We can put them in situations that we’ve never been able to put them in before because you now have six hours as opposed to two.”

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will possibly arrive in the first quarter of 2021.

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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