
Drunk Tom Holland Saved Spider-Man in Disney & Sony’s Fight

Tom Holland Saved Spider-Man:

As every one of us who care, would know that a few months back, Sony & Disney fought over the future of Spider-Man. Disney wanted a little more money out of the character, and Sony wanted to keep all of it for themselves. One or two months had passed ever since Sony took Spidey back home, but the talks for Disney to bring him back in never really stopped. That’s what Tom Holland told us recently, as it was a dramatic tale of how Tom Holland played a major role in saving Spider-Man from leaving his original home, the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Drunk Tom Holland Saved Spider-Man in Disney & Sony’s Fight

Apparently, the horrors were real. Spider-Man was really out of the MCU as it wasn’t a joke. The dispute between Sony and Disney was all real. We are very fortunate that Spider-Man 3 is still happening in the MCU and there’s one more movie where Spider-Man would appear. What’s even better is that Spider-Man is actually getting the best of both worlds that Sony and Disney are developing. Obviously, the MCU is well established and it is Spider-Man’s home, but Sony’s Universe of Marvel Characters is also quite promising and we’re looking forward to the Web Slinger swing by that Universe as well. And, it was Tom Holland who had the biggest role in making that possible.

What’s funny about Holland saving Spider-Man was that he was actually drunk and quite weepy when the whole talk between him, Bob Iger and Sony’s Chairman Tom Rothman happened. Holland described everything upon his appearance at Jimmy Kimmel Live. Kimmel tried to confirm from Holland what Bob Iger said. Apparently Iger told him that Holland was mainly responsible to save the deal.

Here’s how the conversation between him & Kimmel happened:

“Holland (replied) – Sort of. I wouldn’t say it was entirely my doing,” Holland said. “I saved Spider-Man,” Holland said with a smile before saying “no I didn’t. We were at D23, which is the big Disney convention and the news had come out and I was obviously devastated. I was really upset, and my mom and all my friends were there taking Marvel pictures and I was like (frowns) not allowed to be in them and it was awful.

Kimmel – Really, you were excluded from the photographs?

Holland – Yeah, it was awful. It was not the best day, so anyway I asked if I could get Bob’s email cuz I just wanted to say thank you. I wanted to say this has been an amazing 5 years of my life. Thank you for changing my life in the best way and I hope that we can work together in the future, and I got his email and I sent him the email and then he responded very quickly saying ‘I’d love to jump on the phone with you at some point, when are you free?’

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And you don’t give Bob Iger like a schedule, you’re like ‘whenever Bob.’ So like 2 or 3 days go by and then my family and I went to the Pub Quiz in our local town. We’re doing a quiz and I’m like 3 pints in, right? I haven’t eaten much, and I get a phone call from an unknown number, and I have a feeling like ‘this is Bob Iger, but I’m drunk’. So anyway so my Dad’s like ‘just take the call you’ll be fine’. So anyway I answer the call and I’m like ‘hey Bob’. I basically said ‘thank you for the opportunity’ and then he said ‘there is a world where we can make this work’, and then there was a bunch of phone calls back and forth from Tom Rothman, he was really instrumental in the process and it was really interesting for me to have these two studio heads like ‘what do you think?’ I’m like ‘I don’t know I’m an actor’.

Drunk Tom Holland Saved Spider-Man in Disney & Sony’s Fight

Kimmel – I think Bob said you cried on the phone, is that true?

Holland – I weeped. Yea I did. Yeah, no I was really emotional because I felt like it was all coming to an end. I don’t know. We had a really good plan with what we were going to do with Sony. The future of Spider-Man was still very bright, but it would’ve been a shame to take him out of the MCU, you know, that’s where he belongs and we’ve built such a strong character in that world and it would’ve been a shame to lose that, but I’m just really glad that we managed to work it out.”

Venom & Spider-Man Character to Appear in Morbius

So that’s the heroic tale of how Tom Holland swooped in to get the best deal ever. He is going to appear in ‘Spies in Disguise’ this month and right now he’s shooting a movie with the Russos called Cherry. We suspect that he’d appear in Venom 2, now that Disney is on board with Sony using him in the MCU. So let’s see how Spider-Man’s future unfolds.

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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