1.5 Million People Sign Up For “Storm Area 51” – America’s Secret Army Base Is Trembling
1.5 Million People Sign Up For “Storm Area 51”:
The internet is all around us. Some people use it to share posts and some people, like us, just use to escape reality. And then there are some people who know how to manipulate an entire national population to do and act just the way they want them to. Viral Marketing is using the internet to create a chain reaction of information sharing where the online users act as data dispersers. It is completely spontaneous and depends on proper usage of content and pitch perfect timing to ensure the maximum possible splash and create as much visibility as possible. And the best part is it is totally earned media. You never pay a penny. The internet users do your job for you. All you need is a good enough campaign and an army of online warriors rally behind it. One such phenomenon happened to take an entire country by storm and the world’s strongest nation with the world’s most powerful military force at its disposal, had no answer to it.
“Storm Area 51” is the hottest hash tag trend in town. A silly word has soon caught up to a global fan base, inciting millions of fans to sign up for a raid on Area 51 – America’s secret military base that is supposedly a black site for alien and secret weapons research facility. The facility is actually an Air Force base located in Nevada that is completely walled off to Civilians and trespassing is strictly prohibited.
The event started out as a joke (Most Probably) but it soon got so much global attention that the people who have signed up are actually looking forward to hosting a raid party on the United States Air Force facility. The objective – overwhelm the base with sheer numbers and no matter what, storm into the facility to reveal the existence of UFOs and aliens for the entire world to see.
The phenomenon began with only a few members taking up the cause. Soon, a thousand sign ups came along. That Thousand soon grew to a hundred thousand and after some time, the movement was now a million strong and counting. The most recent count of the campaign sign ups was 1.5 Million. The number is still increasing as we speak. This event gained more traction as more and more celebrities also joined in on spreading the wildfire.
The situation became so dire that the United States Air Force official handle had to issue a statement that warned anyone from trespassing into government territory without permission. The statement they made was very subtly disguised as a warning and we had to share it here for everyone to see:
“[Area 51] is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces… The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”
But here’s the thing: What if even a few of them show up? What if those few could actually be, say, 20 per cent or even 10 per cent of the sign ups? Even a 10 per cent of the people showing up means there is still a crowd of 150,000 people lined up on the borders of the fenced and walled Area 51 ‘Air Force’ facility. What will the United States Armed Forces armed forces do then? Shoot at their people and massacre a population equivalent to a small city’s? Or will these guys just might be able to pull this off? Time will give us the answers.