Spider-Man: Far From Home – Uncle Ben Might Still Be Alive in the MCU
Sony’s latest entry in the superhero genre is killing it at the theatres and people absolutely agree with the critics. Spider-Man: Far From Home is as amazing as it is surprising. The great part about the film is that even though it is a solo Spider-Man story at its core, it actually connects with the entire MCU really well. It gives us a tour of the MCU from the past to its upcoming future. Talking about the past, it doesn’t really give us anything about one great element of the past, & i.e. Uncle Ben.
It’s funny that people didn’t really want to see Uncle Ben die again. So, Marvel never really used that element. Instead, they used Tony as the father figure that Peter needed. And people even cringed about that because we never got anything about Benjamin Franklin Parker, until the one Easter Egg in this new film. Peter uses Uncle Ben’s suitcase which has his initials BFP written on it. That’s the first sign of Uncle Ben to exist in the MCU.
Marvel hasn’t used any of the elements related to Spider-Man that have already been used in the previous Sony films. The villains are new, the suits are new & Spidey has completely been revamped. So, we may never get to see Uncle Ben dying in the MCU. But what if he’s actually not dead? What if he’s still alive and probably separated from Aunt May?
It’d be great to see who Uncle Ben is in the MCU, even if he is dead or alive. The reason why we’ve started thinking about BFP’s survival is because of what Director Jon Watts had to say about him. He said:
“Yes, Uncle Ben did exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yeah. I mean, we don’t know…. We never specifically say anything about him. So whether or not he’s around or not. Yeah. Everything’s on the table, is how I like to say it.”
Now this doesn’t mean that Uncle Ben is alive for sure. But Director Watts didn’t have anything to say other than he exists/has existed in the MCU. So far, in the two Spider-Man films we’ve seen, Peter has had a mentor to look up to. It was Tony for Peter’s first 4 appearances, and then it was Mysterio for a short while.
So, what if Marvel brings in Uncle Ben in the next Spider-Man film. His survival would surely come out as a major surprise to everyone in the audience, and it could really help Peter further from the situation that he is currently stuck in. So, let’s see what happens.
Spider-Man: Far From Home used Mysterio extremely well. With his skill set, the action sequences had to be mind-blowing. They were exactly that. Here’s what director Jon Watts said about the scale and scope of the fight sequences in the film:
“I wanted to really raise the action stakes from the last movie. With the Vulture it’s a one-on-one fight. A mechanized villain. But with Spider-Man, you have the ability to do so much more. We’ve seen him fight much larger villains and have spectacular set pieces…I’ve always loved Hydro-Man and Molten Man and his ability to have a giant, elemental kind of creature for Spider-Man to fight against. Anything that makes things more difficult for him and opens up visual opportunities for me, I’ll run at bat.”
Spider-Man: Far From Home stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Zendaya (Michelle Jones), Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Marisa Tomei (May Parker), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), Angourie Rice (Betty, Jacob Batalon (Ned), Tony Revolori (Flash Thompson), and Numan Acar (Magnum).
Here’s the official Synopsis:
“Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter’s plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!”