
10 Little Known Facts About Quentin Tarantino

The movies Quentin Tarantino makes are laced with outlandish visuals and has a very unique flair to them. He tells his story in such a stylish manner that he has been able to create a different genre altogether. Truly one of the greatest directors to ever step in the industry, what makes Tarantino different from others is his usage of multiple narrative strands and ultimately linking them with the help of stylish and extreme violence.

Tarantino movies are always laced with a stellar star cast which make the whole experience grand. In his movies, the plot and the cinematography outshines the cast which is a rare sight to see. One thing the fans can definitely count on in Tarantino movies is that it ends all guns blazing along with Tarantino himself making an appearance in his movies.

Tarantino is an absolute fan favorite and the fans anticipate his movie even more than a comic book movie, which is a big feat in itself considering where the industry is currently at.

Here are 10 little known facts about your favorite director:

#1: $5 million lawsuit

Quentin Tarantino

In November 1997, after a spat Quentin Tarantino attacked the producer, Don Murphy in a restaurant, he slammed him against the wall and punched him. Don was Obviously not very happy about this and so he sued tarantino for $5 million.

#2: Loyal to a Fault

Quentin Tarantino

When Uma Thurman got pregnant during the shooting of the film Kill Bill: Vol 1 in 2003, Tarantino refused to recast her as he had written the role specifically for Uma, so he delayed the production of the movie for several months and thanks to him we had such an awesome movie to experience.

#3: Half Life 3 confirmed

Quentin Tarantino


Quentin Tarantino is a huge fan of the popular gaming series – Half-Life. He liked the games so much that he even showed interest in making a movie adaption of the same. It would be perfect if this materialised in reality.

#4: Late Bloomer

Quentin Tarantino

Till his twenties, he was not at all interested in writing and directing. This is truly inspiring for all those who have still been unable to find their passion. We thank Quentin to finally get into writing and directing as we would have missed out on some great stories if not for that.

#5: Iron Man

Quentin Tarantino

In December 1999, Quentin Tarantino he was all set to write and direct a film on Iron Man for New Line Cinema. Unfortunately, nothing came out of the project. Although we all love the movie Iron Man (2008), it would have been very interesting to see what a director like tarantino would have done with this superhero.

#6: Hates CGI

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino does not believe in CGI filming and completely detests it. He opts not to shoot a sequence at all unless it can be accomplished ‘in-camera’. In an era of CGI movies, it is commendable that a director of such caliber has managed to maintain his stand.

#7: Directorial Misses

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino was offered a chance to direct Men in Black (1997) and also the popular action movie Speed (1994). He turned down both these movies. These movies did great without the vision of Tarantino and are considered classics, so it all turned out good.

#8: James Bond

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino is a huge James Bond fan and he has expressed that he would like to direct a James Bond movie at some point in his career. It would be awesome to see an over-the-top violent James Bond.

#9: Genius

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino has a reported IQ of 160, which makes him part of an elite group of people. He wanted to study acting and he felt he could learn more following his own path.

#10: Retirement Plans

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino plans to retire after directing his 10th major film. He said that after retiring he would like to write novels and books on film history and also, he would like to write plays and work as a theatre director.

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