2 Exclusive Things That Will Be Included in Spider-Man: Far From Home BluRay Pack
Spider-Man: Far From Home isn’t even out and we’re talking about its home release in BluRay & 4K Ultra HD. With every MCU movie, we get some bonus footage when the film gets a BluRay release. Avengers: Endgame is coming out on BluRay on August 13, and we’re getting almost an hour worth of bonus footage, featurettes, bloopers, and deleted scenes. For Spider-Man 2, the bonus footage won’t be that long, but we’d actually get something we’ve never really got with any other movie.
While we’ve not been told everything that’s going to come with the home release, Director Jon Watts has revealed that an exclusive short film will be included along with the actual movie. Here’s what he said during the press junket of Spider-Man: Far From Home:
“Yeah, both of those are actually part of the same montage which is ‘Peter’s To-Do List.’ It’s all the things he has to do before he goes on the trip which are going to Delmar’s to get a dual headphone adaptor and one of those European travel plugs, he has to go to a pawn shop to sell his Star Wars toys to get money for the trip, he has to pick up his passport, and he has to take down this giant crime syndicate. That’s just the to-do list for someone like him but that will be its own little short film that we’re going to put on the Blu-ray. There are some good deleted scenes.”
Now if you’re wondering what “both of those” here means then don’t worry. The first is obviously the short film that the director talks about above, and the second exclusive will be a deleted scene that many of us were actually looking forward to see in the film. The second trailer gave us a peek at the action sequence in a restaurant involving the Iron Spider suit. Fans will actually be disappointed to know that the upcoming film will not actually include the Iron Spider fight. We’ve really seen very less of the suit and now that the film is ditching it for good, we actually won’t get to see the fight we’ve been wanting in the theatrical cut of the film.
Watts explained why the scene was deleted. He said:
The restaurant-set action scene “just ended up not being necessary to the flow of the movie. But it is a fun little sequence and that whole sequence will be one of the extra features when the movie comes out on Blu-ray.”
So don’t worry people. We will get the full scene that wasn’t even shown in the trailers. We’d just have to wait a little longer for it. Too bad. This was supposed to be the film that just blows us away with a large number of fights, but there’s one less action scene than what we anticipated. Still, director Watts has ensured us that the movie is much bigger & better when it comes to battles! He said:
“I wanted to really raise the action stakes from the last movie. With the Vulture it’s a one-on-one fight. A mechanized villain. But with Spider-Man, you have the ability to do so much more. We’ve seen him fight much larger villains and have spectacular set pieces…I’ve always loved Hydro-Man and Molten Man and his ability to have a giant, elemental kind of creature for Spider-Man to fight against. Anything that makes things more difficult for him and opens up visual opportunities for me, I’ll run at bat.”
Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out on July 2. It is going to star Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Zendaya (Michelle Jones), Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Marisa Tomei (May Parker), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), Angourie Rice (Betty, Jacob Batalon (Ned), Tony Revolori (Flash Thompson), and Numan Acar (Magnum).