
Here’s How Many People John Wick Has Killed in All Three Chapters

The Baba Yaga hasn’t been kind to the people who went up against him. Well, we can’t really blame him as all he wanted to kill was 2 people and rest everyone went out as collateral damage while John Wick tried to survive. This franchise has become its own thing now as not only is it a big name, but people actually cheer at every insane way that Wick finds to kill people. In all three movies, we’ve seen Wick take down a small army of people, and now we’re left to wonder how many people did he actually kill?

Well, today is our lucky day as the answer we’re looking for has been brought right in front of us. Rotten Tomatoes has revealed a new Easter Egg video which tells how many people died at the hands of John Wick in the three Chapters we’ve just gone through. Surprisingly, the second film beats the count of the third by a huge margin!

John Wick

77 people were killed by Wick in the first film, while John Wick was at his very best in chapter 2 where he took down 128 people. As far as Parabellum’s kill count is concerned, we’ve got the number 94, which brings the total up to 299.

John Wick

Come on Chad, we needed 300! 299 is insane but killing off 300 people in 3 films would just have been poetic justice. Now, what should we do about this? Do we cry for not the directors not having given us the perfect number or do we go and start a new Petition to add an extra scene in the film! God, these Petitions are just going crazy.

John Wick

Nevertheless, we’ve decoded that these three films just take place within a span of 1 week, so it is just insane to even think about the fact that Wick has laid 299 bodies in just one week. Parabellum starts just a little while after Chapter 2, and we see Wick punctured with a fresh wound. So we could imagine that he must have killed one or two people between the ending of Chapter 2 and the beginning of Chapter 3. Also, the kill count could have been more in the third one if those High Table men didn’t have those hardened armors. But then it wouldn’t have been so much fun.

John Wick

We don’t know whether this video by RT counted the Killing of Common as we were just left to assume that he must have died. For all we know, he could return in Chapter 4. So, if RT did not put him in the Kill Count and he did die for real, then John Wick’s official kill count already becomes 300 and we don’t need to add more people behind the scenes.

John Wick

But we don’t need really to worry about the kill count not making an average of 100 because we do have one more Chapter coming our way! The Baba Yaga is pissed and he is going to wreak havoc all across New York. The kill count will surely go more than 400 because we just can’t have it any other way. John Wick Chapter 4 arrives on May 21, 2021. If you want peace, Parabellum!

John Wick

Here’s the official Synopsis of John Wick Chapter 3:

“John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is on the run for two reasons… he’s being hunted for a global $14 million dollar open contract on his life, and for breaking a central rule: taking a life on Continental Hotel grounds. The victim was a member of the High Table who ordered the open contract. John should have already been executed, except the Continental’s manager, Winston, has given him a one-hour grace period before he’s “Excommunicado” – membership revoked, banned from all services and cut off from other members. John uses the service industry to stay alive as he fights and kills his way out of New York City.” 

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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