
MCU’s Tom Holland Shares His Recent Embarrassing Tale, Gets Totally Unexpected Reactions

Usually, when it comes to Tom Holland and the MCU, people are hoping for him to reveal spoilers one after the other! Well, he hasn’t done that in quite a while and we should actually be thankful for that because we will get to explore more in the movies than on his twitter feed, or interviews. Well, talking about his twitter feed, Holland shared a funny story about what he did yesterday. Check it out:

Tom Holland MCU

While this was a clear reference to his careless goofy behavior, most people are actually taking it the wrong way. Air Pods are expensive $200 pieces of Apple products, and what people are taking from this is Holland trying to boast about how rich he is. Well, for someone who earns Millions within a year, gloating about $200 will obviously not be a thing. This was just him trying to be as casual and frank as he could be. But here’s what people are thinking instead:

Tom Holland MCU

Tom Holland MCU

Tom Holland MCU

Tom Holland MCU

It should have been taken in a more fun way, just like it was meant to be. He’s Spider-Man, he can obviously own thousands of Air Pods, without having to gloat about it. Some people did get the joke, and their reactions were totally funny and appropriate.

Tom Holland MCU

Tom Holland MCU

Tom Holland MCU

Gladly, this most definitely isn’t an Avengers: Endgame spoiler, else Holland would have been even more screwed than he is after losing his AirPods. It’s good that some people do have brains and aren’t really taking this as Holland’s “Flexing.” Moving past this, Holland certainly teased something cool a couple days ago, when he gave out a heads up on Twitter saying, “Monday Morning.”

Tom Holland MCU

People obviously took this as a confirmation for Sony launching the second Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer because Tom Holland did the same before the first trailer of the film, giving us a heads up on Instagram. But the confirmation came when Sony’s Chinese Twitter account retweeted the same thing. So, in a few hours, we’d be getting the second look at Spider-Man: Far From Home. Be ready for it.

Tom Holland MCU

It would be interesting to see what this new trailer brings for us. This movie doesn’t come under Disney’s jurisdiction so Sony is marketing it in their own way. If it were for Disney, we would have seen the second trailer probably after Avengers: Endgame. But it’s okay that they are giving it to us right now because it obviously is the right time to launch the trailer with so many big movies coming out.

Tom Holland MCU

The greatest aspect about this is the main villain, i.e. Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio. Marvel is having a different take at him, as he will be introduced as a hero first. At CCXP, Jake Gyllenhaal weighed in upon how his character gets recruited by Fury and what’s the tie-up between them. He said:

Tom Holland MCU

“There are these threats to the world, the Elementals, elemental creatures. And Mysterio is someone who knows about them and wants to make sure that the world is safe from them. And Nick Fury asks him to come on and help because he’s the only one who really understands them. And then he teams up with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and unfortunately has to make him become more than a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.”

Tom Holland MCU

He also spoke about Mysterio with the Los Angeles Times, and he answered the question of why he took on this role in particular:

“It’s great. He’s a great character. It’s one of those things, people have asked me for a number of years, ‘You wanna do a movie like that? If you were asked to, would you?’ And my response has always been, particularly since being at Sundance, so many of the stories have always been, for many years since I’ve been coming here, character-driven, and that has always been my desire, is to find something in that space, that seems to match my skill and also my own honesty. And it just so happened that it does with that part, so I’m glad that people feel excited about it.”

The second trailer will give us a better look at Mysterio. Stay Tuned, and don’t judge Holland. He’s cool.

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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