Captain Marvel Theory Suggests Goose Can See The Future
Captain Marvel Theory:
Captain Marvel graced theatres on March 8th, 2019 and the landscape of the Marvel Cinematic Universe changed once again. Captain Marvel marked the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to feature a female superhero as lead. The advent of Carol Danvers into the Marvel franchise is a big step towards Endgame. Every day that passes, we get closer to the finale of the first major arc of the MCU.
So it makes sense that the Russo brothers and Kevin Feige will make it a point to include major plot clues to Avengers: Endgame in the Captain Marvel movie. It seems rather apparent that Kevin Feige is fond of foreshadowing. So much so that often the plot points that made no sense in a movie receive a major pay off in one of the crossover titles. And it is largely expected that Avengers: Endgame will follow suit.
The movie is set to release on April 26th, 2019 and it will bring an end to over 22 different movies and a staggering number of subplots. So is Captain Marvel just a filler before the main arc of the Avengers movie kicks in? Perhaps, but that does not undermine the value of the bulk of footage we received of the Marvel Cinematic Universe even though the said footage is placed in the 90s.
Today I want to talk about both Captain Marvel and the old movies and what kind of relevance they will have for Avengers: Endgame after the release of Captain Marvel. Mainly I wish to discuss a post on R/Fantheories (reproduced below) that categorizes a large amount of data from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and points out that a character in the Captain Marvel movie is way more than what it seems and may even reveal pertinent plans that will directly affect Avengers: Endgame.
[Spoiler: Captain Marvel, other Marvel films] SPOILER could be prescient from FanTheories
As the theory predicts there is a good chance that the cat (Goose) in Captain Marvel is capable of looking into the future and has been a major player in perpetuating the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe towards Avengers: Endgame. How am I so sure of this? Well, let’s look at the evidence, shall we? The cat (initially belonging to Lawson) completely imprints on both Carol and Fury.
Goose not only follows Fury and Carol around for the majority of the film but is also in the spot before the protagonists arrive. It also seems that Goose is listed as a highly dangerous being in the database of aliens whereas Carol is categorized as a mild nuisance and Captain Marvel can shoot photon beans from her bare hands.
But it seems that Goose has been influencing the world of Marvel Cinematic Universe for a long time. He seems to have gauged the ingenuity required by Fury during the events of Winter Soldier (which is at least 20 years in the future from the events of Captain Marvel). It seems that Goose can accurately assess the events yet to occur and is somehow manipulating the fabric of space and time to make sure that the events occur as they must. It is also possible that these are, in fact, consequences of occurrences of Avengers: Endgame and the time travel that resides therein.
We still have no idea about the scope of Avengers: Endgame and it is highly likely that Captain Marvel is just a set up to the climax that we are destined to receive in the next month. What will the Endgame bring us? Is Thanos going to finally lose to the mighty Avengers?
And is Goose actually a cat or in reality an ultra-high intelligent being who is responsible for taking care of and guarding both Carol and Lawson? All of these questions will only be answered when Avengers: Endgame rolls around and maybe not even then but we as fans will continue to look forward to the possibility of the ascension of our fan theories.
Do you think this theory makes any sense? Is the cat out of the bag? Do you have any objections? Did we make the correct assumptions or did we completely misjudge the events? Do let us know your opinions in the comments down below and keep watching this space for everything Marvel.