Entertainment Tonight Releases ‘Behind The Scenes’ Video of ‘Captain Marvel’
Recently, Entertainment Tonight released Captain Marvel Behind the Scenes video and I have to say that looking at the video is like watching a whole new trailer or something because the video has some incredible shots and sequences. With the movie coming very soon in theaters, this video is going to pump the excitement to a whole new level.
Brie Larson recently had an interview with Entertainment Tonight and the unique thing about that is that during the interview, she was wearing her full costume of Captain Marvel. They discussed a lot of different things but it was her costume that she talked about at length. She said,
“For a while, I was just trying everything on in pieces,” Larson explained. “It took probably close to a year, because everything is like a different craftsman that’s like eight different people that sew different parts of the costume, and then when I finally put it all on and together I did get emotional.”
Moving forward in the interview, Brie Larson also talked about the extensive workout she was doing before the start of the shooting as she thought that she is going to do all her stunts in the movie by her own but has revealed that the situation was changed once she stepped into the set. She explained,
“Well part of it was just ignorance,” Larson added. “I just thought that that’s what’s required of me, so I carved out 9 months to train and kind of retool everything, and it wasn’t until we started shooting that I realized that nobody does their stunts.”
But, in the video, we can clearly see that she is doing some bit of her action scenes in the movie and no wonder that the practice and skills she learned benefited her as she is looking really comfortable doing the stunts. The video is down below and you can have a look at some of the behind the scenes of the movie:
We all know that Brie Larson is one of the few stars in Hollywood who simply want to do everything on their own because they don’t want to take the credit of someone else efforts. There’s also an actor in the movie who is famous for his amazing acting and also for the attitude of giving everything for the role he is playing and that actor is none other than Samuel L. Jackson. Larson talked about her experience working with him. She said,
“He asked to go to dinner and I thought like ‘oh, he’s gonna…this is the moment.’ Sit me down and be like ‘these are the big life lessons of the world. And I remember being like ‘hmmm, we’re still like shooting the breeze like when do I get my big thing’, and he’s like ‘you don’t need to hear anything from me’, and I was like ‘oh my God, it’s so profound,” Larson explained.
So, by all these things which Larson has explained in her interview, we can clearly see that she is in love with her character of Carol Danvers aka. Captain Marvel and when your lead cast is this happy and positive then no wonder the movie is going to get the advantage of it. There are also a lot of well-known and popular stars joining Larson.
Samuel L. Jackson reprising his character of Nick Fury, Jude Law reportedly as Yon-Rogg Djimon Hounsou reprising Korath, Lee Pace reprising Ronan the Accuser, Gemma Cham playing the character of Minn-Erva, Kenneth Mitchell playing the character of Joseph Danvers, Clark Gregg reprising his character of Agent Coulson, and many more.
The movie is going to set the stage for the next and last movie of Phase 3, Avengers: Endgame as we are going to see the powers of the most powerful and strongest superhero of the MCU in the movie Captain Marvel. The movie is going to be released on March 8th, 2019.