Avengers: Endgame Theory – Age of Ultron May’ve Foreshadowed Deaths of Steve & Tony
Every other day we push a new Avengers: Endgame theory suggested by the fans somewhere on the internet. Well, it is mostly Reddit that brings these theories forward, and we all should be appreciative of the fans that are trying real hard, and contributing their unique insights to predict the plot of the upcoming mega-finale.
Avengers: Endgame is going to pack so many things that we just can’t predict every aspect of the film even in a lifetime. We’ve come up with a hundred plus theories but still, it feels that we are totally black about the film.
So far we’ve seen 3 Avengers movies, and this one will be the final connective tissue that interweaves all of them together. So far, we have only seen proper connections made between the first Avengers film and Avengers: Infinity War.
Age of Ultron has so far got the same treatment that Thor: The Dark World has gotten from the MCU. Both these films pack some really intricate plotting but they haven’t been referenced the way they should have been till now. Both these films are considered to be amongst the weaker films of the MCU, but they cannot be ignored because of how they set up the rest of the MCU.
While The Dark World may still not be referenced as much, Age of Ultron still has to be connected properly, and Avengers: Endgame will surely do that. It has to because there are so many unanswered questions. Tony’s dream sequence is unexplained, and so is Steve’s. Although Thor’s vision has been referenced in Ragnarok and Infinity War. We still don’t know what the complete relevance of Ultron was in the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While there’s still time before we find out all these answers, a new piece on Reddit has mentioned its reasoning upon how Age of Ultron foreshadowed the deaths of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in particular. As we know, both Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. have confirmed their exits from the MCU post Avengers: Endgame, it is mostly believed that either one of these two or both of them will end up dying towards the end of Avengers 4.
Both of them have led the MCU from the front, so it wouldn’t be fair if one of them dies while the other gets retired. Thor, on the other hand, has been teased to continue and get a renewed contract within the MCU, but Cap and Iron Man are probably going to bite the dust. Now the Reddit piece mentioned above states that the hint of Steve and Tony’s death comes when Tony says the title of Avengers 4 for the first time.
As Ultron takes away the scepter, Tony tries to explain everyone why he was trying to create Ultron, and he references the Chitauri adding that “We [the Avengers] can bust arms dealers all the live long day but that, up there, that’s the endgame.” Then he asks everyone, “How were you guys planning on beating that?” to which Steve Rogers answers, “Together.” Tony concludes that “We’ll lose” and Cap responds, “Then we’ll do that together, too.”
So what the Reddit piece is trying to suggest here is that this share of dialogues between Tony and Steve hints the fact that the two will end up dying together towards the end of Avengers: Endgame. We know that the context of the scene meant “We” as the whole team of Avengers, but we know that only 2-3 Avengers amongst the originals will be the ones that get taken down for good.
Hulk and Thor may be brought back after a break and Black Widow already has a future in the MCU. Hawkeye will also get a TV show according to the recent updates, so this leaves Cap and Tony to be the ones that go down.
This evidence of foreshadowing is pretty thin here as if the reddit piece is trying to state the obvious with a bit of connection. But it is not a big impossibility to see both Cap and Tony be taken down together. People are waiting for their reunion and hopefully, by the end of the film, their bond will be strengthened like this. The two leaders of the Avengers could end up sacrificing themselves passing the baton to the new characters and giving us a whole lot to cry about.
Let’s see who meets their demise and how it will happen. Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.