‘Avengers 4’ Trailer: Fan Spots A Mistake in Iron Man’s Helmet
Avengers 4 Trailer:
Avengers: Infinity War marked the beginning of the end for the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The entire movie showcased Thanos (the newly revealed series antagonist of the Marvel Cinematic Universe) going on a pursuit for the artifacts known as the infinity stones across the universe.
The reason that Thanos seek these ‘Infinity stones’ was quite clear to the masses who had previously watched all other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. It seemed that Thanos wished only to destroy half of all life in creation so that he may, in his own mind, be able to correct the rampancy of life all across the universe.
“The universe is finite, its resources finite, if life is left unchecked it will cease to exist, it needs correction”
In his own mind, Thanos was saving us from our own selves. He was trying to deliver us from the fate that he saw his own planet of Titan succumb to. The beings that were the ancestors of Thanos never adhered to his ideology and hence perished but Thanos would not allow the rest of the universe to perish to the same fate.
This is why he is prepared to go to unimaginable lengths to ‘correct life’ and to do something that no being has done before. The Titan united all six infinity stones and channelled their power through the infinity gauntlet to wipe out half of all life in creation in an instant with an event that could only be referred to as ‘THE SNAP’.
The aftermath of this snap, however (or rather the battle leading to it) is a bit more interesting than the battle itself. We saw the earth’s mightiest heroes lose everything in a battle against this Titan and then seek solace when their assault against him failed. The hero most affected by this battle for the fate of the universe was none other than Iron Man himself.
Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man went against the Mad-Titan with his most advanced armor yet. The bleeding edge was armour complete with nanotechnology and all the shenanigans of Stark Industries. But even such advancement in technology failed against the might of the Mad-Titan. Thanos used his infinity stones to nullify any and all tricks Stark pulled and made it a point to destroy not only the bodies of earth’s mightiest heroes but also their spirits.
Recently Marvel decided it was time to treat the fans with new footage of the saga after the events of Avengers: Infinity War. We got to witness the beginning of the end with the new trailer for Avengers: Endgame. There were some things that everyone noticed, like the fact that Iron Man is stranded is space and Hawkeye (Ronin) has more than just a new haircut up his sleeve.
But eagle eyed fans, one in particular, tend to notice very peculiar details about the entirety of the trailer, one of them being that there is something very different about Iron Man’s helmet. As a fan remarks, the helmet seems to be damaged from the right side while in infinity war the Mad-Titan punched it and destroyed it on the left side. Now the question is, is this something pertinent to the plot or is it just a common mistake overlooked during production. We cannot say but it seems that twitter has the answer for our fan.
As you can see the other fans give out many explanations to this very peculiar detail in the trailer. It seems that all the explanations from cinematography magic to plot holes can be used to explain this detail in the trailer. Is this just a mistake or does it lead to something far more sinister? Is the Iron Man sequence placed at a completely different point in the film? Is this clip after a completely different fight and is Iron Man really alone aboard the Milano without any actual hope for rescue?
What will be the fate of our hero come the actual release of Avengers: Endgame, we simply cannot know with the current available information. All we can do is speculate and we are doing just that. Tell us what you think of this theory.